History of ADHD

  • Inattentiveness/Impulsivity Discovered

    George Still disovers that impulsve and inattentive behaviors can exist independently from brain injury or cognitive impairment; finds that the condition is more prevelant in males.
  • Encephalitis Association Built

    Researchers begin to associate inflammation of the brain with major changes in behavior including: hyperactivity, distractability, irritability, and unruly behavior in school. Begins the support for "brain damage syndrome"
  • Introduction of Medication

    Reseachers find marked improvement in school performance of individuals with attention issues when given stimulant medication.
  • Removing Distractions and Stimulation

    Researchers Strauss and Lehtinen suggest that students with these presenting characteristics need less stimulation; schools begin to remove "stimulating distractors" from environment
  • The Era of MBD

    A shift occurs from Minimal Brain Damage to Miminal Brain Dysfunction in the area of perception and behavior.
  • Section 504

    Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act becomes law; people with ADHD are protected from distrimination in education.
  • More, not less stimulation

    Researchers Douglas and Peters find that students with "MBD" need more, not less, stimulation in the classroom. The conclusion is that the lack of stimulation in the environment is what cause the inattentive and implusive behavior. This refutes the research conducted in 1947.
  • ADD

    The American Psychiatric Academy publishes attention-deficit disorder (ADD) in the DSM-III
  • ADHD

    ADD is changed to ADHD in the DSM-IV, with three specific subtypes: inattentive, hyperactive, and combined.
  • IDEA- ADHD Excluded

    IDEA describes specific eligibility areas which would be covered under this piece of legislation; ADHD is originally excluded, making it impossible for students with ADHD to be protected under IDEA
  • IDEA- Revision- ADHD Included

    After much advocacy work, students with ADHD are included in IDEA under the areas of other health impairment, specific learning disability, or emotional disturbance. Students with ADHD now have the protection and support entitled to them through IDEA.