History II - second midterm test

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    George I

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    Robert Walpole

    In office
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    Economy Liberalism - free trade

    El liberalismo económico es la doctrina económica desarrollada durante la Ilustración —desde finales del siglo XVII hasta el inicio de la Revolución francesa—, formulada de forma completa en primer lugar por Adam Smith y que reclama la mínima interferencia del Estado en la economía del siglo XIX.
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    George II

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    Jeremy Bentham - Utilitarianism

    He was an English philosopher, jurist, and social reformer regarded as the founder of modern utilitarianism.
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    George III

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    Industrial Revolution

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    is a range of economic and social systems characterized by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production, as well as the political theories and movements associated with them.Social ownership may refer to forms of public, collective or cooperative ownership, or to citizen ownership of equity. There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them, though social ownership is the common element shared by its various forms.
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    Robert Owen

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    Napoleonic Wars

    The Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815), were a series of major conflicts pitting the French Empire and its allies, led by Napoleon I, against a fluctuating array of European powers formed into various coalitions, financed and usually led by Great Britain. The wars stemmed from the unresolved disputes associated with the French Revolution and its resultant conflict.
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    Mazzini's activity in revolutionary movements caused him to be imprisoned soon after he joined. While in prison, he concluded that Italy could − and therefore should − be unified and formulated his program for establishing a free, independent, and republican nation with Rome as its capital. Following his release in 1831, he went to Marseille in France, where he organized a new political society called (Young Italy), whose motto was (God and People)
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    Slave Trade Abolition

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    Giuseppe Garibaldi

    Garibaldi has been called the "Hero of the Two Worlds" because of his military enterprises in Brazil, Uruguay and Europe. He personally commanded and fought in many military campaigns that led eventually to the Italian unification. Garibaldi was appointed general by the provisional government of Milan in 1848, General of the Roman Republic in 1849
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    Congress of Vienna

    It was held in Vienna from November 1814 to June 1815, though the delegates had arrived and were already negotiating by late September 1814. The objective of the Congress was to provide a long-term peace plan for Europe by settling critical issues arising from the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars. The goal was not simply to restore old boundaries but to resize the main powers so they could balance each other and remain at peace.
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    The Cornlaws

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    The Unification of Italy

    It was the political and social movement that consolidated different states of the Italian peninsula into the single state of the Kingdom of Italy in the 19th century. The process began in 1815 with the Congress of Vienna and was completed in 1871 when Rome became the capital of the Kingdom of Italy.
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    Unification of Germany

    The unification of Germany into a politically and administratively integrated nation state officially occurred on 18 January 1871, in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles in France. Princes of the German states, excluding Austria, gathered there to proclaim Wilhelm I of Prussia as German Emperor after the French capitulation in the Franco-Prussian War.
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    Communism - Karl Marx

    It is the philosophical, social, political and economic ideology and a movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state.
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    George IV

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    Florence Nightingale

    1837: she heard the voice of God
    1851: nurse training
    1856: she founded the school
    1860: she published her book
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    Catholic Emancipation

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    William IV

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    Reform Act

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    Robert Peel

    Primer Ministro del Reino Unido
    10 de diciembre de 1834-8 de abril de 1835 Primer Ministro del Reino Unido
    30 de agosto de 1841-29 de julio de 1846
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    Queen Victoria I

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    Anti Corn Law League

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    The First Boer Wars

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    Crimean Wars

    16 October 1853 – 30 March 1856
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    The Second Boer Wars

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    Second Reform Act

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    Second Industrial Revolution

    the Second Industrial Revolution is generally dated between 1870 and 1914 up to the start of World War I
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    Benjamin Disraeli

    In office 20 February 1874 – 21 April 1880 27 February 1868 – 1 December 1868
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    Third Reform Act

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    William Gladstone

    In office 1 February 1886 – 20 July 1886 23 April 1880 – 9 June 1885 3 December 1868 – 17 February 1874
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    World War I

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    The Battle of Somme

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    Battle of Verdun

    fought from 21 February to 18 December 1916, was the largest and longest battle of the First World War on the Western Front between the German and French armies. The battle took place on the hills north of Verdun-sur-Meuse in north-eastern France.
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    Representation of the People Act

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    The Treaty of Versailles

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    Representation of the People Act (reform)

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    Representation of the People Act (reform)