
Reece History 8 Timeline

  • 1492

    The Sail Boat

    The Sail Boat
    In 1492 when Columbus made his voyage to what he thought was Asia he found probably one of the biggest discoveries ever. While the location of America never change the way it was accessed changed greatly over time. The ship has to be one of the most important inventions of all time because it created many new opportunities and it will still to this day evolve. 1492 is representing the most important ship voyage of all time, Columbus' maiden voyage to america.
  • 1500

    1500s Medicine

    1500s Medicine
    In the 1500s the black plague ran ramped through Europe and killed hundreds of thousands. At the time there was no real cure but they thought they had figured out solutions to stop it. These 'solutions' were leaching, bloodletting, mercury baking, and the smelling of strong odors. (
  • 1600s Cures

    1600s Cures
    While surgery and most of medicine had not been figured out yet. A huge breakthrough happened in 1667 when the first blood transfusion happened between a lamb and a young boy. Bloodletting had weekend the boy so they put around a half pint of lambs blood in him and he actually improved. Also, the new found 'art' in medicine became more chemistry rather than myths like they had been. (
  • The Steam Engine

    The Steam Engine
    The invention of the steam engine, while not immediately, did eventually greatly affect the movement of many Americans. While it was not originally made for trains it was eventually adapted and used in trains. This invention allowed people to travel across the country much faster than before. However, it did create a small problem because you did have to lay the track.
  • 7 Years War

    7 Years War
    This war was started by the movement of French troops into the Ohio River valley that was disputed territory. The British warned the French about being on the land that was off limits but they French stayed. With building tensions between the two something was destined to happen and it did. The war lasted long and consisted of a lot of British defeats until near the end. (williams class notes)
  • End Of The French Indian War

    End Of The French Indian War
    At the end of the war, the British had won and gained lots of new land in the central area of America. To keep relations with the natives under control they made the proclamation line of 1763 stating that anything west of the Ohio River Valley is not settleable for colonists and only for natives. Also, because this war was so long and expensive Egland also started really high tax rates on everyday items in the colonies. (class notes)
  • Medicine And Sickness During The Revolutionary War

    Medicine And Sickness During The Revolutionary War
    While during the war there was very little knowledge about infection and sickness there were many men who were able to fight off possible death in very bad conditions. Many of the soldiers didn't actually die fighting but rather with nasty infections that because they were untreated they just died. Also, there was a huge spike in smallpox death rates, especially at battle sights. (
  • The Revolutionary War

    The Revolutionary War
    The Revolutionary War was a result of resentment of England in the colonies. It lasted around 8 years and consisted of the Colonies and later the French fighting the British. The fight was for the freedom of the Colonies and the well being of many colonists. After many years of fighting and losses, the Colonists finally won the war in 1783. (class notes)
  • New Discoveries In The 1700s

    New Discoveries In The 1700s
    Hospitals and new buildings called dispensaries that gave out new medicine had improved greatly. A vaccine for smallpox had finally been invented in 1796 that changed history forever. New books on childbirth had been written that saved many woman's lives when giving birth. (
  • The Plane

    The Plane
    The plane is also one of the greatest inventions of all time because it affected the movement of both people and items. The plane greatly decreased the amount of time it took for things to be sent all over the world. It also increased the efficiency at which things traveled from place to place. While the first plane invented by the Wright Brothers wasnt capable of doing this what their invention became did so I am useing the date of their plane.
  • The Invention Of The Factory Line

    The Invention Of The Factory Line
    While it seems as if a factory line wouldn't have anything to do with movement but actually the first mass production line was for a car, the Model T. This greatly impacted the lives of many Americans both for ease of movement and the creation of many jobs that didn't need skilled workers.
  • The 1900s

    The 1900s
    During WWII there was a slight shift in the doctoring world, because of this many new things were invented. Polio Vaccines, Anti-tuberculosis drugs, and Chemotherapy had all been invented. Most importantly Penicillin was invented and that was a huge breakthrough in both the scientific and medical communities. This also paved the way for many more medications. (
  • The Rocket

    The Rocket
    The rocket will one day greatly impact movement because of its ability to travel really fast and really far. When the first rocket was launched it started a world wide craze called the space race. With what we have learned from then to know we will to be able to move lots of people to different planets aloowign interstellar movment.
  • Modern Day Medicine

    Modern Day Medicine
    Nowadays much of medicine has been either focused on either physical enhancements or genetic enhancements. For example, in 2016 we used a form a gene therapy to fight off the effects of human aging. We have also been experimenting on changing genes before people are even born by editing their genetics while in an embryonic state. This prevents certain disabilities or susceptibility to disease. (