Welcome to the 1800s

  • the men still outnumbered the women in the colony

    the men outnumbered the women 20 men to 1 women
  • The Catholics in Australia were forbidden to do mass

    the Catholics were forbidden to do mass so now they did it secret agent style.The priest left the bread when he got departed so they could still properly do mass (still in secret agent though)
  • the second settlement of convicts was started tassy

    the second settlement of convicts in Australia is now placed in van diemans land modern day Tasmania.
  • the first armed uprising

    this was the first armed uprising and boy were them convicts mad.
  • Bushrangers in Australia are more hostile

    They are simply more hostile
  • First batch of merino wool

    YIPPEE we have just sent our very first batch of merino wool from Sydney and it is on its way to England.
  • Lawson,Blaxland And wentworth

    Lets go exploring well...Everywhere has been explored but back in the days these 3 gentleman explored lots of Australia
  • First bank of australia

    Based in Sydney it is westpac bank
  • Terra nalleius is now known as Australia.

    THANK YOU Matthew Flinders now it is only one word and way more catchy Matthew put the idea forward and people LOVED IT.
  • First newspaper

    Yeah now dad wont be angry in the morning because Emma ate the paper
  • Van diemans land seperate colony

    now they have to fend for themselves
  • western Australia discovered

    Western Australia is discovered W.A
  • 2 million sheep

    that is a lot of sheep and they are all ours
  • Aboriginals persuaded

    Aboriginals are persuaded to live like white man.
  • Aboriginals are taken into captivity

    People are doing horrible things and they are beating them how mean.
  • Squatters come

    Waltzing Matilda
  • Batman bridge

    Batman bridge is in Melbourne because john batman owned this.
  • Melbourne is founded

    Melbourne is founded by john batman
  • End of transport to australia

    No more convicts yeah
  • Australian depression

    Weres the tissues everyone is sad
  • Major banks in melbourne

    Were rich the major banks have came
  • the gold rush

    Pretty shiny gold has come this has started a craze and people are flocking in by boats to get to Australia
  • Eureka Stocakde

    Lots of people were killed for no reason this little war was started because the miners had to pay 30 shillings a month which was later reduced to 1 pound a month or 8 pounds a year.
  • Ned kelly was born

    yeah now we have a little ranger that he doesn't know yet he is going to be a true Aussie legend.
  • Anti Chinese laws passed

    no more Chinese racist much
  • Men were aloud to vote

    Men but only white men were given the right to vote.
  • First AFL (australian football leage) game

    Everyone can have a good run ad imagine if this never happened
  • Victoria is bursting with people

    Victoria alone holds more people than its gold rush rival California.
  • First Melbourne cup race

    I bet on that horse no actually that horse you better win.
  • first long railway

    now you can go interstate way faster
  • School

    Every child in Victoria that is over six has to go to school.
    M.A.T.H mental abuse to humans much
  • Ned Kelly

    Ned Kelly is at large they are robbing and they are full on doing everything they can.
  • Ned Kelly's Death

    A famous part of history was just kidnapped or kellynapped at glen rowan taken to Melbourne and Killed , Hung at old Melbourne Gaol now Harriet is Sad:(
  • Australian Population Flew

    Up the radar is Australians population
  • Boer war

    nearly the new century but This is not good :(