
  • The first credit card

    The first credit card
    It help us to use a card instead of carying many money and its more secure it was invented by Ralph Schneider.
  • Independently invent the maser

    Independently invent the maser
    Charles Townes, Prokhorov and Basov invent it and it was very usefull
  • The first computer hard disk used.

    The first computer hard disk used.
    It was something that they invented and it was used to keep information
  • Invention of the microchip.

    Invention of the microchip.
    Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce invented and it was usedfull for the computers so it could work better
  • The nondairy creamer invented.

    The nondairy creamer invented.
    They eat them and its like milk, many people liked it
  • NutraSweet invented.

    NutraSweet invented.
    It was a product that they invented and it has logo
  • Invention RAM (random access memory).

    Invention RAM (random access memory).
    Robert Dennard, it was used for the computer
  • The dot-matrix printer invented.

    The dot-matrix printer invented.
    It was like a printer used in old times, they used it a lot
  • The post-it notes invented

    The post-it notes invented
    By Arthur Fry, It was used to write on little papers like remianders
  • Magnetic resonance imaging invented

    Magnetic resonance imaging invented
    by Raymond V. Damadian. It was a machine were you can came and for knowing if you are good or if you have something
  • The hepatitis-B vaccine invented.

    The hepatitis-B vaccine invented.
    It was used to cure infections
  • The Apple Lisa invented.

    The Apple Lisa invented.
    It was like a little computer.
  • Fuji introduced the disposable camera.

    Fuji introduced the disposable camera.
    It was a camera but not diigital, it was used for trips, etc.
  • High-definition television invented.

    High-definition television invented.
    It was like a plasma more advanced and you can see the tv much better
  • The digital answering machine invented.

    The digital answering machine invented.
    It was like a phone for anwering
  • HIV protease inhibitor invented.

    HIV protease inhibitor invented.
    It was used to the body and we can see whats there
  • The gas-powered fuel cell invented.

    The gas-powered fuel cell invented.
    It was used for gass in the cars so they can work.
  • FluidSense infusion pump invented

    FluidSense infusion pump invented
    It was like a machine
  • Invention of Ice Bike

    Invention of Ice Bike
    Invented by Dan Hanebrink, its a bike for using in the ice and its very funny
  • Popular Science Best of What's New

    Popular Science Best of What's New
    There were new intentions they invented like mouse, phones, machine, etc.
  • The Handheld Ultrasound

    The Handheld Ultrasound
    It was a phone that you can use hearings for hear whose talking to you but wuth the hearing
  • The Iphone 4s

    The Iphone 4s
    Its a mobile that is very usefull and its touch