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Henry Hudson

  • 1565

    Who is he, where is he from, when was he born?

    Who is he, where is he from, when was he born?
    He was a navigator and a sea explorer. He was from England. He was born on c. 1565
  • What year did he start exploring?

    What year did he start exploring?
    He started exploring in 1607 to find a northern route to Asia
  • Which country and persons ‘sponsored’ him to explore on their behalf?

    The Muscovy Company, an English firm, sponsored his first voyage in 1607, then the Dutch East India Company hired him as a commander for his voyage "Half Moon" in 1609.
  • What did they find on their journey or what are they famous for discovering

    Hudson reported numerous whales in the region, which opened up a new hunting territory. Hudson reached land, coming ashore at what is now Nova Scotia. He also discovered Hudson Strait, Hudson bay, and James Bay.
  • Where were the explorer’s main journeys?

    Where were the explorer’s main journeys?
    First Voyage: some islands near Greenland.
    Second Voyage: Nova Zemlya in the Arctic Ocean.
    Third Voyage: Nova Scotia and the Chesapeake Bay.
    Fourth Voyage: the Hudson Strait, the Hudson Bay, and James Bay
  • More famous journeys Henry Hudson went on?

    More famous journeys Henry Hudson went on?
    Hudson left England in c. 1610. He made his way across the Atlantic Ocean. They entered what became known as the Hudson Strait,The Hudson Bay then traveled south, towards James Bay and discovered that he'd come to a dead end. He then disappeared in c. 1612 References: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Hudson