Harvey milk with milk

Harvey Milk

  • First Campaign for City Supervisor

    First Campaign for City Supervisor
    Approximately between November 4th-8th, Harvey Milk lost his first supervisor election. People did not take him seriously as a candidate. His appearance, along with his support for the legalization of marijuana, prevented many conservatives from voting for him. Even still, he won liberal neighborhoods and won 16,900 votes. He came in 10th out of 32 candidates.
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    Running for Board of Supervisor

    Period of time where Harvey Milk ran for, and lost, the position of City Supervisor.
  • Voting System Restructured

    Voting System Restructured
    The City of San Francisco voted to change the way city elections worked. Instead of having the entire city voting for the positions on the board, the city elected to have the neighborhoods choose their own representatives.
  • Harvey Milk appointed to the Board of Appeals

    Newly elected mayor, George Moscone, who openly supported Harvey Milk during his political career, appointed Harvey Milk to the board of Permit Appeals. This appointment made him the first openly gay city comissioner.
  • Won Supervisor Position for District 8

    Harvey Milk ran his last campaign and was endorsed by Mayor George Moscone, a strong political ally. He won by a margin of 30% over 16 other candidates. Harvey Milk had finally won his position. During this same election, Dan White won the election for City Supervisor in his own district, District 5. from a blue collar neighborhood, a former police officer and firefighter, Dan White was celegrated as a religious family man that conservative voters could wholeheartedly support.
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    Cities around the Country Repeal Equality Bills

    In 1977, after much campaigning by Christian singer Anita Bryant, an overwhelming 70% of voters elected to repeal the equality bill in Dade County, Florida. Along with Dade County, Witchita, Kansas, St. Paul, Minnesota, and Eugene, Oregon also followed suit.
  • Dade County passes Anti-Discrimination Bill

    Dade County, Florida passes a bill that prohibits discrimination based on sexuality. Soon after, conservative groups, spearheaded by Anita Bryant, campaign and are successful at getting the bill repealed. A similar trend was observed in St. Paul, Wichita, and Eugene.
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    Harvey Milk Campaigns Against the Briggs Initiative

    Proposition 6, or the Briggs Intiative, was a public campaign supported by State Senator John Briggs that would disallow homosexual people, or anyone who supported homosexulity, from teaching in the California Public Schools. Over the course of three months, Harvey Milk led a campaign, and eventually a march, of 250,000 to 375,000 people.
  • Proposition 6, or the Briggs Initiative, is declined

    After many hours of campaigning against the Briggs Initiative, Harvey Milk's campagin group alerted him of the outcome of the election. Proposition 6 had lost by nearly 1,000,000 votes and the city of San Francisco had been a resounding center against the Initiative.
  • Harvey Milk and George Moscone Assassinated

    Harvey Milk and George Moscone Assassinated
    On the morning of November 27th, 1978, Dan White, armed with a gun, snuck into City Hall through a basement window to avoid the metal detectors standing century by the front doors. He first walked towards George Moscone's office to beg for his position of city supervisor back. There, White shot and killed Moscone, reloaded the gun, and walked toward's Harvey Milk's office, where he shot and killed District 8's supervisor.