
Harriet Beecher Stowe

  • Hariett Beecher Stowe was born.

    Hariett Beecher Stowe was born.
    Her birthplace was in Litchfield, CT.
  • Harriet is introduced to slavery.

    Harriet is introduced to slavery.
    Harriet's father is inspired my the debate over whether Missouri should be a free or slave state. Harriet is exposed to his forceful preaching against slavery at the age of ten.
  • Harriet's Education

    Harriet's Education
    Harriet went to school at Hartford Female Seminary, which was run by her sister.
  • Harriet and her family moves to Ohio.

    Harriet and her family moves to Ohio.
    Harriet moves to Ohio where she joins the Semi-Colen Club, a literary group, and begins to form her writing skills.
  • She met and married Calvin Stowe.

    She met and married Calvin Stowe.
    When Harriet was 21, she moved with her family to Cincinnati, Ohio , where she met and married Calvin Stowe.
  • They move to Maine.

    They move to Maine.
    When HArriet and her husband move to Maine, they are very upset about the Fugative Slave Act that applies to this state. It made it illegal to help anyone escape slavery.
  • Harriet begins work on Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Harriet begins work on Uncle Tom's Cabin
    While attending an anti-slavery sermon, she invisions a plot for a novel that shows the cruelty of slavery. She goes home and begins to write.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin is published.

    Uncle Toms Cabin is published.
    Harriet Beecher Stowe published her best known novel, Uncle Toms Cabin. This novel showed the inhumanity of slavery. The book was an instant success in the North. It sold 10,000 copiesin the first week and 300,00 copies in the first year. In great Britain, it sold 1.5 million copies in the first year. The south hated the book and said it was propoganda. The book was a small factor that led to the Civil War.
  • After Uncle Toms Cabin is published.

    After Uncle Toms Cabin is published.
    Critics criticize Harriet for "overplaying the agony of slavery". The south accuses her of using the book as propoganda. The book gets so popular that she is asked to come to Great Britain to speak about it.
  • Harriet and her husband move to Connecticut.

    Harriet and her husband move to Connecticut.
    Harriet moved here because it was a prosperous city, two of her sisters live there, and she always promised herself that she would live there at some point.
  • Publishes The American Woman's Home

    Publishes The American Woman's Home
    Now that the issue of slavery is resolved, Harriet moved on to the topic of Women's Rights. She wrote The American Woman's Home to make people recognize and respect women's domestic work.
  • Harriet died at the age of 85.

    Harriet died at the age of 85.