
Haiti Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1492


    Columbus landed on Ayiti and claimed the island for spain. Columbus renmied the island La Isla meanings in english ispaniola. It became the first spanish settlement in the Americas. Small pox came and killed out the island. WIthin fifty years starting from when Columbus got there Hispaniola was almost completely destroyed.
  • France

    Spain ceded the western third of Hispaniola to france. France now had the teritory and mad in t a new colony naming it, St. Domingue. The french brought over at least a half a million Africans. Making them work on sugarr, coffe, cotton, and indigio plantations.
  • Slaves Rebel

    Slaves Rebel
    The slaves working on St. Domingue started rebelling. Unlike other attempts this rebellion was successful. They overthrew their masters and the entire slave sysytem. They won over the colony's independce form France and brough together the world's first independent Black republic, Haiti.
  • Haiti was Born

    Haiti was Born
    The army of former slaves defeated the french forces. The Dessalines declared independce. The new state was named haiti.
  • Recognition for Haiti

    The United States started recognizing Haiti beacsue the slave holding states seceded from the union.
  • The United States Marines.

    The United States Marines.
    The United States Marines invaded Haiti. They stayed there for nineteen years. The U.S imposed martial law and took control over the finaces that belonged to Haitis. The new part of the constitution allowed foreigners to own land.
  • Period: to

    Triple the Money

    The Untied States investment in Haiti tripled. Now roads, telephones, and electricity were explanded to some parts Haiti. Most the roads were built by Haitians and they were forced to build them with no pay.
  • Bad Bad U.S.A Killers

    When The United States took over Haiti they racialy segergated and forced labor upon people of color. While doing so they killed fifteen hundred workers in of its repressive opersations
  • America Leaves Haiti

    The United States left Haiti along with a ani America legacy with it.
  • New President

    A doctor named, Francois was elected as the new president. Thanks to the support of the Haitian army and the U.s govedrnment.
  • Life time President

    Francois declared himself president for life!
  • losing power Baby Doc

    Because of various factors weakened Jean-Claues' hold on power.
  • Baby Doc

    Baby Doc
    The president of Haiti dies but not before handing his president status to his son Jena-Claude also known as "Baby Doc" he was only nineteen. Like his father he belived in arresting, torturing, and imprisoning others.
  • African Swine Fever

    African Swine Fever
    A disease called African Swine Fever killed some Hiatian pigs. Creating the ecnomic level even worse then the past years.
  • President Ragan

    President Ragan
    Ragan was elected the President of the United States. anti0communisom was stilla focus. twenty four days after his election Jean-Clauds governmet arrested more then two hundred human rights workers, ;awyers, trade unuionists, and journalists.
  • Anti-government

    Anti-gvernemnt prtoest were going on all throughout Hait. which of course was encouraged by the churches.

    A U.S air force jet flew Baby DOc and his family to exile in France. Thousands of People in Haiti took ran to the streets happy as could. Some Tontons Macoutes were lynhed by angry mobs, but most escaped into hiding.
  • Election Day Gone Wrong

    It was election day. Truck loads of soliders and Tonotons Macoutes raced from one polling station to the next, starfing lines of votes with their weapons, machine guns. by only nine am doens of people layed the streets dead. The electionwas surely canceled. Amrys installed army contoled elections. If you want agaisnt them or tried to have meeting planning on going against them and you sadly were caught. You were either put in jail, or forced to leave the country.
  • Church goes down on a sunday

    Aristide had many attempts taken on his life ona sunday morning. During a church service armed men stood out side the church and took open fire on the building and everyone insdie with machine guns. 13 people fell dead and 80 we3re wounded. The church ended up burning to the ground
  • The New Elecetion

    The New Elecetion
    Once the military announed the new election date, Artiside annoinced his running for presdient. "Along we are weak; together we are strong. All together we are a deeluge"
  • The landlsie of a win

    Thousands of Haitians set out to vote for Lavalas. 67% of votes won him the election in a landslide. leaving MArc Bazin far behind with only thirteen percent of the votes.
  • Exile number 2

    The army staged a bloody coup d'etat. Artiside was forced into exile.
  • New Prime minister

    Marc Bazin, the united startes favorite was introduced as the new prime minister.
  • Clinton to the resue

    Presdient Clinton come to Haiti and the Haiti people get excited because he gave them hope and raised expectations for a quik fix to their problems.
  • Governors ISland, New York

    President aAristide and the military leader, Raul Cedras signed an accord at Governors ISland, New York.
  • Im coming home

    Im coming home
    Aristide was allowed back
  • Sharing Power

    The refuge crisis was comfronte. Clinto made Aristide focus on sharing power with pro-military and opposition forces.