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Greek Timeline of wonders

By Leroyia
  • 323

    Death of Alexander the Great

    Death of Alexander the Great
    died in Babylon,Iraq.Death is unknown
  • Period: 323 to


  • 335

    Aristotle founds the Lyceum

    335BC grove sacred to Apollo Lyceius
  • 336

    Alexander the Great becomes King of Macedonia

    336 BC after his father dies he became king
  • 431

    Peloponnesian Wars

    Peloponnesian Wars
    431 - 404 B.C A war between Greece, Athens and Sparta.took place between the Athenian empire and Peloponnesian league lead by the Spartans.
  • 447

    Construction of the Parthenon

    447 BC was to replace a temple which was destroyed by the Persians.
  • 465

    Helot revolt against Sparta-

    Helot revolt against Sparta in 465.They did it for their freedom
  • Sep 25, 700

    The Iliad and Odyssey

    based on vaguely real historical events and actual historical characters, they are events that transpired hundreds of years before the author was born.
  • Sep 25, 776

    First Olympic games

    First  Olympic games
    happened around 776BC in Greece
  • Sep 25, 1000

    Invention of Greek alphabet

    Invention of Greek alphabet
    Was invented by the Phoenicians in 1000BC
  • Sep 24, 1100

    Dorian Invasion

    Happen around 1100 BC. The Dorians might have been a group of men from the north and they invaded Peloponnese and might have caused the downfall of the Mycenaean civilization.
  • Sep 25, 1100

    Dark Age of Greece

    which might have been caused by the Dorian invasion.
  • Sep 23, 1200

    Sea peoples begin Raids in Eastern Mediterranean

    Like the title says they raid the coast
  • Sep 24, 1250

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    it Began around 1250BC A war between the Greeks and Romans
  • Sep 23, 1450

    Destruction of Palace at Knossos

    Destruction of Palace at Knossos
    1450BC it was caused by a combination of a volcano, a earthquake, and a attack or a Tsunamis
  • Jan 22, 1455

    Minoan Civilizaton

    • Was a Aegean Bronze Age that form on Crete,a island near Greece, from 2700to 1455 BC.
  • mycenaean civilizations

    The last civilization of the Bronze Age in Greece from 1600- 1100 BC
  • Athenian democracy begins

    started around 478-336 in polis then It officially `begun around 507 BC
  • Solon ends Draconian Laws

    Solon ended slavery and replace the laws with more human ones.He starts a stronger formation for democracy.
  • Kleisthenes reforms Athenian Law Code

    The Klesithenes begins revising the Athenian code of laws, and made democratic constitution.
  • Persian Wars

    Persian Wars
    492-479 The Persians start to invade Greece
  • Battle of Marathon-

    Battle of Marathon-
    • 490 The Persian,Daruis and his army, lost to the Athenians and Plataeans
  • Battle of Thermopylae

    480-479 The Greek city-state,led by King Leonidas of Spert, they fought Xerxes,and his Persian army
  • Battle of Salamis

    Battle of Salamis
    480 This was a naval battle between the Persians and Greeks .This took place in the straits between Piraeus and Salamis
  • Delian League established-

    478 confederacy of ancient Greek states that was led by Athens
  • Trial and execution of Socrates

    399 BC Socrates was tried on two charges
  • Golden Age of Athens

    480 BC-404 BC,This is where Athenian political hegemony, economic growth and cultural growth
  • Phillip II becomes King of Macedonia

    Phillip II becomes King of Macedonia
    359-336BC was assassinated in336BC,father to Alexander the Great and Philip lll
  • Macedonian Army defeats Athens

    338 BC This took place at Chaerona
  • Period: to
