Greatness moments in America's History

  • Lincoln's assassination

    Lincoln's assassination
    On Friday April 14, 1865 Lincoln attended "Our American Cousin" at the Ford's theathre. Where he got shot in the back of his head point blank by John W. Booth. Lincoln died the next day.
  • Social Secruity

    Social Secruity
    Social secruity was funded through payroll taxs called Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax. Taxs were formally deposited and was entrusted to the Federal Old-Age and Suvivors Insturance Trust Fund.
  • McCarthy Hearings

    McCarthy Hearings
    McCarthy was one of America's best-known policians. He attacked the Army which led to the first televised hearings in American history. The people who was watching him live on their TV wasn't impressed on want they saw.
  • Brown V. Board of Education

    Brown V. Board of Education
    Was handed down May 17, 1954. It become a landmark United State Supreme Court case. Which delcared state laws establishing separate public school for black and white students. Was over turned by Plessy V. Ferguson in 1896 which allowed state sponsored segration.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1965

    Civil Rights Act of 1965 An act that was passed by the US congress that ensure the voting rights for African Americans. Even though the 15th Amendment had guaranteed the right to vote to people regardless of person's race. But Africanan Americans in the south faced efforts to disenfranchise them. The civil rights movement focused national attention on infringements of their voting rights. Congress responded with the Voting Rights Act.
  • Medicare

    Medicare Medicare starts for a person when they turn 65, The eligibiliy age for Medicare starts the same, but if you want to get a full Social Security retirement benfit, it goes by your age and what year you were born. People won't get this benfit until they are 67.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    Several burglars were arrested inside the office of Decratic National Committee. Located in Watergate Washington D.C.It wasn't an ordinary robbery. The burglars were connected to President Nixon's reelection campaign. They were caught while attempting to wiretap phones and stealing serect documents.
  • Impeachment of Bill Clinton

    Impeachment of Bill Clinton
    Clinton was impeached on two charges by the House of Representative, One on perjury and another on obstruction of justice.
  • 9/11

    9/11On Septmeber 11, 2001 two planes crushed into the World Trade Center in New York City. 20,000 gallons of jetfuel crushed into it. Killing 100s of people and burning a hole near the 80th floor of the Trade Center. The attackers where Islamic terrorists where behind the attack. Down the control of Osmama bin Laden
  • Gideon v. Wainwright

    Gideon v. Wainwright