Great Plains

  • The making of Reservations

    The making of Reservations
    An act was passed by the Federal Government that would make the Great Plains one entirely enormous reservation for Native American tribes.
  • Government Changes Policies

    Government Changes Policies
    The government changed the act they passed to be treaties that defiend specific boundaries for each tribe. Most Native tribes however ignoredt these and still hunted on their sacred land, clashing with settler and miners ending in tragedy most the time.
  • Massacre at Sand Creek

    Massacre at Sand Creek
    Cheyenne Indians were staying in Colorado's Sand Creek Reserve for the winter. They though they were would be safe now under the protection of the U.S. government. General S.R. Curstis, U.S. Army commander in the West had other thoughts he wanted no peace till the Indians had suffered more. So they attacked the tribe killing 150 people, most of whom were woman and children
  • Fetterman Massacre

    Fetterman Massacre
    Bozeman Trail ran directly through Sioux Hunting grounds in te Bighorn Mountains. Sioux Chief Red Cloud appealed to the Government to end white settlement on the trails. Crazy Horse ambushed Captain William J, Fetterman and his company at Lodge Trail Ridge. 80 soldiers were killed. Natives called this battle the battle of Hundred Slain the settlers called it Fetterman Massacre.
  • Treaty of Fort Laramie

    Treaty of Fort Laramie
    This treaty was forced on the Sioux leaders by the Government, it stated they would agree to live on a reservation along the Missouri River. Sitting Bull was one of the only leaders not to sign the treaty.
  • Red River War

    Red River War
    War broke out as Kiowa and Comanche engaged in six years of raiding that finally led to the Red River War. U.S. Army responded by herding the people of friendly tribes onto reservation while opening fire on all others. Genearal Philip Sherdian gave orders to, "kill the ponies, hang all warriors, destroy their villages and bring back all woman and children. The attack of the army killed all resistance on the souther plains.
  • Custer's last Stand

    Custer's last Stand
    The Sioux and Cheyenne tribes held a Sun Dance during which Sitting Bull had a vision of soldiers and Native Americans falling from their horses. Colonel Custer and his troops reached Little Big Horn River the Natives Americans were ready.Crazy Horse, Gall, and Sitting Bull led the wariors and crushed the army within an hour. Custer and all his men were dead.
  • The Dawes Act

    The Dawes Act
    This act aimed to americanize native americans. This act broke up reservation land and gave it to certain tribes, they each got 160 acres to head of household and 80 acres to unmarried adult. The government would than sell the rest of the reservation land to settlers.
  • Ghostdance

    On December 28 Sitting Bull was arrested because of a dance called the Ghost Dance that was going around the tribes. The sevent calvary also rounded up 350 starving natives and took them to Wounded knee where they gave up their weapons but a shot was fired and the calvary slaughtered as much as 300 mostly unarmed native americans