Goal Setting: Graduating Class of 2018

  • Senior Pictures

    Senior Pictures
    Senior Pictures were taken (13 days left until school).
  • First Day of School

    First Day of School
    My first day of my senior year, I will focus on graduating high school.
  • Honors Student

    Honors Student
    I will focus on graduating high school by making sure I am aware of what needs to be done in class and at home.
  • Senior Speech

    Senior Speech
    I will focus on graduating high school by completing my senior year with a 3.8 GPA and completing my senior speech with higher than a 2. This opportunity cost is me going to college and getting my high school diploma.
  • Getting Closer

    Getting Closer
    I will focus on graduating high school by focusing on my grades, studying for test/quizzes, and getting my senior portfolio together.

    I will complete my senior year with a 3.8 GPA, getting a 3 on my senior speech, and going to college on a scholarship.