Mr bean

German Unification Timeline

  • Period: to

    Napoleon Invades German Lands

    Napoleon invaded several German lands,
  • Period: to

    Congress of Vienna

    A conference of European leaders, meant to provide log term peace among the countries of Europe.
  • Otto Von Bismarck's Birth

    Otto Von Bismarck's Birth
    Otto Von Bismark was born.
  • Period: to


    Economic union that was product of many treaties among countries.
  • Frankfurt Assembly Demands Unity

    Frankfurt Assembly Demands Unity
    Called for Germany to have a unified monetary and customs system.
  • Frederick William IV was offfered the Throne

    Frederick William IV was offfered the Throne
    Frederick William IV of Prussia recieved an offer for the thone in Germany, and he refused.
  • Blood and Iron Speech

    Blood and Iron Speech
    Otto von Bismark delivered his "Blood and Iron" speech about the merger of the German territiories.
  • Otto Von Bismarck Becomes Prime Minister

    Otto Von Bismarck Becomes Prime Minister
    Otto von Bismarck became the Prime Minister of Prussia.
  • Bismarck declared war on Denmark

    Bismarck declared war on Denmark
    Bismarck started a long list of wars to help strengthen Prussia. His first place of attack was Denmark.
  • Otto von Bismarck delcared war on Austria

    Otto von Bismarck delcared war on Austria
    This was known as the Austro-Prussian war, and it led to the defeat of Austria.
  • North German Constituion was Drafted

    Constitution, which was created by Otto von Bismarck, was accepted by the Parliment.
  • Period: to

    Franco-Prussian War

    War between Prussia and France in which Prussia emerged victorious.
  • Period: to

    Franco-Prussian War

    War between the French empire and Prussia that led to Prussia's victory over France.
  • Creation of the Second Reich

    Creation of the Second Reich
    The Second Reich was created after the Prussian Parliment refused to give Wihhiam I the money to double the size of the Prussian army. William saw this as a threat to his power, and the Second Reich was born.
  • Otto von Bismarck Becomes Chanceller

    Otto von Bismarck Becomes Chanceller
    Otto von Bismarck became the first Chanceller of Prussia.
  • Period: to

    Population Growth of Germany

    The German empire grew drastically durning this time
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    German polocies decreasing the roles of the Roman Catholic Church in the German state.
  • Campaign Against Socialists

    The campaign against socialists was enacted to keep socialism out of Germany.
  • William I of Pussia becomes Emperor

    William I of Pussia becomes Emperor
    William I became the first German emperor.
  • William II Becomes Kaiser

    William II Becomes Kaiser
    William II became Kaiser of Germany
  • Bismarck Resigns

    Bismarck Resigns
    Otto von Bismarck resigned from the throne in Germany.
  • Timeline was Creeated

    Timeline was Creeated
    This timeline was created by the greatest person to walk the Earth.