German Unification

  • Johann Gustav Droysen: Speech to the Frankfurt Assembly

    Prussia is known to have immense power, whereas Austria is seen to not have great potential as a ruler.
  • Friedrich Wilhelm IV, King of Prussia: Proclamation of 1849

    Friedrich Wilhelm Rejected the crown of the national assembly because he didnt have the consent of the German governments and he would also accept a consitiution that wouldnt be reconciled with the rights of the German states.
  • Otto von Bismarck: Letter to Minister von Manteuffel

    Germany and Austria have decided that German is too small for both countries and that Austria will the only state that could be permanently lost or can permanently gain.
  • Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke

    the war of 1866 broke out and it was a cry for an ideal end of the established power. Germany then gained a new leader which is Prussia
  • Otto von Bismarck

    German and Prussia decided to not wound Austria too severly because if they would Austria would then seek revenge and be come an ally of other nations to hurt Germany and Prussia.
  • The Imperial Proclamation

    The German Princes and free cities called for King Wilhelm to assume crown of emperor, but first the consitution of the German Confederation was altered. King Wilhelm accep ted two major duties that were to answer summons of German princes and cites as well as to accept the German Imperial title.