German Unification

  • Fall of Napoleon

    Fall of Napoleon
    After a series of wars being lost, France's territory was decreasing in size after the countless battles being lost. Once France's territory had been turned to its original size, France and its people forced Napoleon to resign. Once he resigned, the Congress of Vienna was called to settle the issues and peace deals in Europe.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    The Congress of Vienna was called to settle the debate about peace of europe and its land control. Metternich pointed out that in order to create a unified state of germany, they would have to dismantle each individual government. What they decided to do was to unify and create the German Confederation.
  • Bismarck rises to power

    Bismarck rises to power
    King william I made him prime minister, then within a decade, Bismarck became chancellor. He used his policy of blood and iron to unite the German states, and his success came from strong will. He focused on building up the Prussian army, which he strengthened with money. He fought 3 wars, each of which increased the Prussian prestige and power.
  • Steps Otto took towards unification

    Steps Otto took towards unification
    Once Otto was elected chancellor by King William I, he said his policy of "Blood and Iron" would unify Germany under Prussian rule. He used the policy of Realpolitik to unify most of Germany because it provided Germany with the necessities it needed. In a less peaceful manor however, Bismarck used his power and his military to take down his enemies. Two controversial cases of this was against the socialists and the church.
  • War against Denmark

    War against Denmark
    In 1864, Prussia formed an alliance with Austria. Together, they seized the provinces of Schleswig and Holstein from Denmark. Then, they liberated the two provinces and Austra was to administer Holstein, and Prussia was to administer Schleswig.
  • Austro-Prussian War

    Austro-Prussian War
    The war lasted 7 weeks, with a defined Prussian victory. Prussia also then took control of several other German states. After the war, he disolved the Austrian led German Confederation and created a new confederation dominated by Prussia.
  • Franco-Prussian War

    Franco-Prussian War
    France was angered by the Prussians victory in the previous war. Bismark edited some telegrams to make it seem like william I had insulted the French, so Napoleon III declares war on Prussia, which is what Bismark wanted. The superior Prussian forve destroyed badly organized and poorly supplied French soldiers, and after a while, Napoleon III surrenders.
  • Formation on the German empire

    Formation on the German empire
    After the victory, princes from southern German states and the north german confederation persuaded william I of Prussia to become emperor. In January of 1871, the second empire was born. There was a new constitution drafted by Bismarck, which set up a 2 house legislature. There was the Bundesrat and the Reichstag parts. The real power remined in the hands of the emperor and his chancellors thought because the Bundesrat/upper house could veto the Reichstags/lower houses decisions.
  • Kaiser William II

    Kaiser William II
    The title Kaiser, or emperor, was given the King William I after his victory over France. In 17 years however, Kaiser William II rose to power after his gradfather, William I, passed away. Once he rose to power, he asked Bismarck to resign, thus really ending the unification period of Germany under Otto van Bismarck