George Washington

By steve31
  • Washington Born

    Washington Born
    George Washington was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia
  • A Job Washington Did

    A Job Washington Did
    He became the Official Surveyor for Culpeper County, Virginia at age 17.
  • Washington Travels

    Washington Travels
    George Washington goes to Barbados
  • Helping the Army

    Helping the Army
    Major Washington carried British ultimatium to the French in the Ohio River Valley
  • Surrendering

    Colonel Washington surrendered Fort Necessity in the French and Indian War
  • Suprised in War

    Suprised in War
    Colonel Washington was with General Edward Braddock when ambushed by the French and Indians.
  • Commanding the Army

    Commanding the Army
    Colonel Washington commanded Virginia's frontier troops.
  • His New Wife

    His New Wife
    George Washington married Mrs. Martha Dandridge Custis.
  • Elected First

    Elected First
    He was elected delegate to the First Continental Congress.
  • Elected Twice

    Elected Twice
    He was elected delegate to the Second Continental Congress.
  • Elected in the Army

    Elected in the Army
    He was elected Commander in Chief of the Continental Army.
  • First Signature

    First Signature
    He signed The Declaration of Independence was signed by the Continental Congress.
  • Victory in War

    Victory in War
    His first victory was at Yorktown.
  • Elected for President

    Elected for President
    He was elected President of the Constitutional Convention.
  • President of U.S.

    President of U.S.
    George Washington was elected first President of the United States - the United States flag had 13 stars.
  • Signature Again

    Signature Again
    He signed the first act of Congress concerning the administration of oaths.
  • Approvation

    Washington approved plans for the U.S. Capitol
  • Addressing

    Washington issued the Neutrality Proclamation to keep the United States out of the war between France and Great Britain.
  • Laid Cornerstone

    Laid Cornerstone
    Washington laid the cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.
  • Farewell

    Washington published his Farewell Address, refusing a third term.
  • Death

    George Washington died at Mount Vernon at the age of 67