Gender Advertisements

  • Potato Ad

    Potato Ad
    This ad represents the stereotype that men can not cook. In this point of time most women were the ones that cooked for the families and her husband and the men wouldnt really cook. Therefore this ad is trying to attract men to make it "easier" on them.
  • Killing Women Ad

    Killing Women Ad
    In this ad, it represents how men lacked respect for women and their lives. In the ad, a man is yelling at the women and it looks as if the women is getting the him annoyed. The women is aggravating him so much that it is making him wanna kill the women. This advertisment in my perspective would attract men because no women would want to read an ad that shows no repect to womens lives even if it is a joke.
  • Clean House Ad

    Clean House Ad
    represents the stereotype that women should stay home and clean. The stereotype is that back in 1930 a womens job was to stay at home and watch the kids, clean the house while a man would go out and provide for the family and work.
  • Gender Advertisement

    Gender Advertisement
    In this ad is a stereotypical advertisement that shows a women hitting a man making her look crazy. This advertisemt would attract both men and women although the stereotype that women are crazy is not true.
  • Ketchup Advertisement

    Ketchup Advertisement
    In this ad is representing that there were only a limited amount of things that women can do. In the 1950's women were known to be the weaker sex amoung men and they did not believe that women were capable doing many things. Although in this time the women were the ones that were buying the grocerys so they were trying to show that this product would affect women in a positive way because the women were the ones that were cooking.
  • Gender Bias

    Gender Bias
    This advertisment shows a women catering to a man hand and foot. This ad is permoting that "its a mans world" and that men control women. The bias is that in the 1955's society was like saying that women should stay at home and cater to a man and the man should recieve anything he wants.
  • Gun Advertisement

    Gun Advertisement
    This ad represents a little boy playing with a gun. This is gender bias because they would not promote a little girl playing with a toy gun because they believe that girls could not use guns. This advertisment would attract men because there are no girls in the front cover so they would believe that it is only for men.
  • Baby's Soft Advertisments

    Baby's Soft Advertisments
    This ad is a stereotype of how an innocent women should look like. They are promoting people to buy there product saying that innocense is sexier than you think although you do not have to look like the sterotype to be innocent. They are putting a very attractive women on the front conver to promote both men and women.
  • Brain Advertisement

    Brain Advertisement
    This ad shows that men are capeable of working hard and have the mentality to do physical hardships while all women think about is make up and hair products and looking good. This gender bias because it is a stereotype of how each genders brains work.
  • Dr. Pepper Advertisement

    Dr. Pepper Advertisement
    This ad is a sterotype that women cant drink soda that had much calories in it. In society many women are worried about not being able to keep their image and this Dr. Pepper Ad is atating that it is "10 manly calories". This ad would attract men because it says that thid drink is not for women.
  • Heineken Advertiment

    Heineken Advertiment
    In this ad is promoting innapropriate gender bias. They are using this women as a sex toy. You can not even see her face and they are making it seem as if that is all a women is seen and used as. That "Ken" can do what ever he wants just from a bottle of beer. They ad would attract both men and women.
  • Nurse Advertisement

    Nurse Advertisement
    This ad shows how in society certain jobs are for certain genders. It expresses how nursing is more of a womens job and how jobs like a firefighter, doctor and hard jobs are more for men. This advertisement in my perspective would attract both men and women.
  • Animal Abuse Advertisement

    Animal Abuse Advertisement
    This ad is showing a womens body and how animals have the same parts so it is wrong to abuse animals. In this ad it is wrong that they using a young attractive women to appeal peoples attention. This ad would most likely attract men because they are attracted to looking at woments bodies.
  • Father and Son Advertisement

    Father and Son Advertisement
    This ad shows that things are changing and that now, less women are staying home and it is actually a man that sometimes stays home with the baby instead of the women. This advertisment expresses a man doing what women used to do and them asking "Where have all the women gone?" this ad would more attract a women because it is spreading light that women are capeable of doing more than just staying home with the bab y and are able to switch roles with a man.
  • Strong Women Advertisement

    Strong Women Advertisement
    This advertisement expresses how women are conisdered "not strong" only because they are women. This ad promotes that you can be strong. You can be stronger than a man and you dont have to be strong only for a women.
  • Katy Perry

    Katy Perry
    This ad promotes that more women have plastic surgery than men because they used a women to put the two bags of chips where her breast are to show that the "chips are not fake". This ad would attract both men and women because they are using her as a sexual advertisement to get more attention on the product.