Gandhi's Life Experience's

  • His move back to Africa

    His move back to Africa
    Gandhi moved back to Africa because, he went for a job.
  • Green Pamphlet

    Green Pamphlet
    Gandhi writes about the way that the other people control his country.
  • The Non-Violent Protest

    The Non-Violent Protest
    Gandhi started a Non-Violent protest, to stop being violent and when they started fighting Gandhi would go on hunger streaks.
  • Arrested for the First Time

    Arrested for the First Time
    Gandhi was arrested for the first time in January 10, 1908 for not carrying around a card.
  • Arrested

    Gandhi got arrested for the firsrt time, for defending his people.
  • Burned Registration Card

    Burned Registration Card
    Him and 2,000 other people burned there regestration cards for protesting.
  • The Great March

    The Great March
    Gandhi got a whole bunch of men and women to come with him on a march just to gain rights for India
  • Hero's Welcome

    Hero's Welcome
    Gandhi got a huge hero's welcome after deciding to come from South Africa and live in India.
  • Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

    Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
    The massacre only lasted 10-15 minutes but hurt over 1000 people and it happened from the British army.
  • British Products

    British Products
    He starts protesting and saying that people should start making there clothes instead of buying them.
  • Gandhi is Arrested Again

    Gandhi is Arrested Again
    Gandhi got arrested by the British Government because of the Violence at Chauri Chaura
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Gandhi published the Declaration of Independence after coming back to India.
  • The Salt Act

    The Salt Act
    The British made a law where you could not make salt. You had to buy it and if you didn't follow that law then you would hvae 3 years in jail.
  • Gandhi Irwin Pact

    Gandhi Irwin Pact
    The Gandhi Irwin Pact is a political agreement signed Gandhi.
  • Sail to England

    Sail to England
    Gandhi went to Indian National Congress to represent Indian National Congress.
  • The Cripps' Mission

    The Cripps' Mission
    When Gandhi returned to India Cripps started interviewing him.
  • Gandhi Declared

    Gandhi Declared
    Gandhi declares independence from British rulers, after he then fails he gets put in prison.
  • Quit India

    Quit India
    The Quit India Act was when India went againest the Government.
  • Gandhi and the Commitee

    Gandhi and the Commitee
    Gandhi and the Commitee get arrested for the Ouit India Movement.
  • Death

    Kasturbai died.
  • Aga Khan's

    Aga Khan's
    Gandhi gets to leave from the Aga Khan's palace.
  • British Cabinet Mission

    British Cabinet Mission
    British Cabinet Mission make a proposal and it gets rejected
  • Great Calcutta Killing

    Great Calcutta Killing
    The Great Calcutta Killing a lot of people died and it was considered to be a manslaughter.
  • The Independence

    The Independence
    Great Britin gives India there Independence.
  • Gandhi Died

    Gandhi Died
    Gandhi died because someone shot him.