
  • Gandhi's Birth

    When Gandhi was born, his father was the Prime Minister of Porbander. He was the youngest of five children. He had three older brothers and an older sister.
  • Departure

    Gandhi leaves India to study law in Britian.
  • Final Exam

    Final Exam
    Gandhi had taken his final law exam during June 1890. He did not learn that he had passed the exam until the following January. He then had the power to plead cases in the High Court of Bombay.
  • The Gate of Freedom

    The Gate of Freedom
    Ram Sandara Pandit had played a martyr by allowing himself to be arrested by the British for not maintaining his license to trade. Gandhi felt that for his campaign to really catch fire, he needed a spark like this.
  • Arrested

    Gandhi was arrested for not producing registration at Transvaal. This is the first of many times he is arrested and frequently for the same crime.
  • Time Magazine

    Time Magazine
    Gandhi had become an icon around the world as man that supported a bloodless revolution and Indian Liberty.
  • Salt March

    Salt March
    The British Government banned any Indian from producing thier own salt. Gandhi had decided to march to the ocean and take a pinch of salt from it to rebel against the British rule.
  • Dehli Pact

    Gandhi had come to an agreement with the British. People in certain villages were given the right to produce and sell salt. Non-violent picketting was permitted. Non-violent prisoners were released. Congress felt that Gandhi had sold out and settled for too little with this deal.
  • A letter to Hitler

    A letter to Hitler
    Gandhi wrote to Hitler saying "We have no doubt about your bravery or devotion to your fatherland, nor do we believe that you are the monster described by your opponents [though] many of your actions are monstrous and unbecoming of human dignity, especially in the estimation of men like me who believe in universal friendliness.
  • Quit India

    Gandhi begins to commit acts of non-violence in order to persuade Britain to free India. He tells his followers to live as if they are free already.
  • Gandhi's Death/Assassintation

    Gandhi's Death/Assassintation
    Nathuram Godse assassinated Gandhi with the belief that he was responsible for weakening India.