Trends 2

Future Trends

  • Death of Personal Computing

    Death of Personal Computing
    The decline of this platform has been accelerating with the rapid growth and integration of mobile computing. Traditional system integration of full fledge computers along with their servers in the schools are representing a significant cost to school districts. In the coming years we will see the integration of tablets as a laptop replacements since students today choose many of the applications that are only available in these platforms
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    Tech Trends in Education

  • Teaching Digital Citizenship and Social Media Integration

    Teaching Digital Citizenship and Social Media Integration
    The explosion of social media in the past 10 years has reshaped the way we think of sharing information and how we think of privacy. Social media in combination with digital citizenship will be an increasing topic for teachers and administrators to incorporate into curriculums.
  • Google Apps

    Google Apps
    As mobile computing and cloud integration becomes more prevalant in the classroom, Google and google applications will become a district standard due to the low cost of maintenence and exceptional features. In addition, google chromebooks will become a standard equipment in classrooms.
  • Gamification model

    Gamification model
    Today's generation of students come from an era that instant gratification and achievments are based on the amounts of points and unlocked levels they achieve. We will begin to see the implementation of the gamification model in the coming years. Not only will we see this model in the classroom, but more universities and colleges will use the gamification model to rate candidates based on the extra curricular activities, sports, clubs and orgs that students participated in during high school.
  • Online Education

    Online Education
    At this point, we should have seen the end of traditional computing as we know it today and the rise of mobile computing such as tablets and smart phones. Google will have become a standard in many classrooms as the choice for online applications and cloud storage solutions. Many of our students will have had some exposure to online citizenship courses along with the gamification model. At this point all of these items will become an essential component of education.