Frederick Douglass-Kha L

By goes13
  • Early Life

    Early Life
    Fredderick Douglass was born in 1817 or 1818 in Talbot County,Maryland.At the age of 8,Frederick was sent to live in Baltimore as house servant with the family of Hugh Auld.
  • Escaped

    In 1838,Frederick escaped to New York City,where he lived as a freeman.He married Anna Murray of Baltimore,a free woman.They setted in New Bedford,Massachusetts,and Frederick changed his last name to Douglass.
  • Antislavery Work

    Antislavery Work
    At an antislavery convention in 1841 in Nantucket,Massachusetts,Douglass was invited to describe his experiences as a slave.
  • On the Newspaper

    On the Newspaper
    In 1847,Douglass founded an antislavery newspaper in Rochester, New York, called The North Star.While in Rochester, Douglass helped to smuggle escaped slaves to Canada via the Underground Railroad.
  • Later Life

    Later Life
    During the Civil War,Douglass was a consultant to President Abe Lincoln.Douglass suggestthat former slaves should be givin weapons to fight for the North.
  • After War

    After War
    After the Civil War,Douglass held several government offices.He also continued to fight for human rights until he died in Washington,D.C., on Feb. 20,1895.