Frederick Douglass- Brian T Andeson

By goes7
  • early life

    early life
    when Fredrick douglass was born peiple called him Fredrick Augustus .he was a slave he hid no eeduction. In 1838 he married Anna Murry
  • antislavery work

    antislavery work
    Fredrick was inveted to describe his life as a slave his moving speech marked the begging of his caree as a abolitionist.
  • antislavery campaigns

    antislavery campaigns
    Douglass became a agent of Massachusett Antislavery society soon he was not happy with merly retelling his memories of his slva life.
  • Later Life

    Later Life
    During the Amercan Civil war Douglass was consultant to president Abraham Licon Douglass suggested tha former slaves should be given wepons to fight for north.
  • Death

    after the cilvil war Douglass held several government offices he also continued to fight for humuns right untill he died in Washington D.C on Febray 1895