Frederick douglass painting in color tony rubino

Frederick Douglass

  • Douglass' Birth

    Douglass' Birth
    Frederick Douglass was born a slave in Talbot county, Maryland.
  • Self-Educated

    Sophia Auld (slave master's wife) teaches Douglass the alphabet, but had to stop because it was unlawful. From there he was sent to Baltimore. He then taught himself how to read and taught himself many things making him a self educated man.
  • Escaping Slavery

    Escaping Slavery
    Douglass successfully escapes 's from slavery. He then changes his name from Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey to Frederick Douglass. He later reaches New York and gets married to Anna Murray-Douglass.
  • The Publishing of a Narrative

    The Publishing of a Narrative
    Frederick Douglass publishes a narrative named "The Life of Frederick Douglass An American Slave. He had to leave for England so he could escape slave hunters. English admirors buy the book and he then returns to the U.S.
  • A Spokesman

    A Spokesman
    Douglass publishes the "North Star" and becomes a spokesman for woman and emancipation. Douglass Attends the first women's rights convention in New York. He then meets John Brown in Massachusetts.
  • Fourth of July

    Fourth of July
    Douglass delivers his most famous speech in Rochester, New York The name of the speech was "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July." He gave his speech to the citizens of his hometown. He used it to remind people of enslavement instead of celebrating the Fourth of July and America's independence.
  • Harper's Ferry

    Harper's Ferry
    Frederick Douglass doesn't support John Brown's plan, but does like his intentions. John Brown still raids Harper's Ferry. Douglass is forced to flee to Canada so he is not arrested for being apart of John Brown's plan.
  • Meets Lincoln

    Meets Lincoln
    Douglass works to aid the Union cause. He meets with Lincoln to improve the treatment of African American soldiers. Attends president Lincoln's second inauguration.
  • Lincoln's Walking Stick

    Lincoln's Walking Stick
    Douglass recieves Lincoln's walking stick from Mrs. Lincoln, After Lincoln died. She gave it to Douglass in recognition of Douglass' recruting efforts during the civil war.Douglass in return wrote a thank you letter to Mrs. Lincoln.
  • Washington D.C.

    Washington D.C.
    Douglass moves to Washington D.C and purchases cedar hill, a 15-acre estate in 1878. Becomes federal marshal for the district of Columbia in 1877. He is a recorder of Deeds in 1881
  • The last bit of Frederick Douglass

    The last bit of Frederick Douglass
    He is appointed minister resident and consul general to the republic of Hati. He then resigns and returns to Cedar Hill in 1891. Continues to speak for oppresed people and as a champion of human rights
  • Death

    Frederick Douglass dies in Cedar Hill from a heart attack.