
Floyd Odyssey

  • 1200 BCE

    The Trojan War

    The Trojan War
    The Trojan war was a war that started when Paris , the prince of troy, kidnapped Helen ( wife of Menelaus ). Menelaus was the king of Sparta. To get back his wife back , he gathered a group men to help him. After ten years of battling , the Trojans were still undefeated. Then , Odysseus came up with an idea to leave a giant horse at the gates of Troy with Greek soldiers inside. The Trojans thought it was a gift and took inside the city not knowing that their lives were under a terrible fate.
  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan war analysis

    I learned the odysseus is very determined and won’t stop at nothing until he gets what he wants . It took Menelaus 10 years to get his wife until Odysseus came along with the idea to set a giant horse with soldiers inside outside of the gate of the Trojans . This shows that Odysseus is very wise and thinks about others 1010and not just himself . Odysseus showed sympathy for Menelaus because he know .how it feels to lose someone he loves. He cares about his family just like Menelaus does
  • 1200 BCE


    Lotus - eaters were the people who live upon the lotus flower. They were a land full of inhabitants that Odysseus visited . When Odysseus got ther show - no harm to him or his men but they offered lotus to them. Odysseus saw them as a threat because whoever ate the lotus would lose all hope to go home and be forgetful. Lotus eaters wanted to stay there for eternity.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus eaters analysis

    I learned that Odysseus is very protective over his men. He doesn’t want anything to happen to them because he cares about them. Odysseus is their leader so he is responsible for them. Also , I learned that everything aren't always what they seem. People ight seem nice but in reality they are out to get you because the lotus eaters were offering flowers but it caused you to forget things.
  • 1200 BCE

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind & analysis

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind & analysis
    Odysseus and his men were given a bag of wind by Aeolus to help them get home to the island of Inthaca.Odysseus' men thought the bag was full of gold but turned out to be wind. They thought that odysseus took the gold for himself .Therefore ,they couldn't trust him as much.
    Analysis: Odysseus learned people can underestimate your trust even though you looked out for them. I learned that you can't always assume things because its not what you think.I learned that they're nice people in the world.
  • 1200 BCE


    Circe put odysseus' men under a spell and turned them into pigs.Circe gave Odysseus' men food and drinkd so they would let their guard down. She knew that they were searching for food so that was how she had them fall into her trap. Odysseus knew something odd was going on so he went to save his men.
  • 1200 BCE

    Circe analysis

    I learned that odysseus is very proctective his men and tries to make sure everyone is safe but him. Its shows that odysseus fights for what he believes in and doesn't stop at nothing until he gets what he wants. He didn't eat or drink until his men were freed which showed his determination.Odysseus learned that you always have to be prepared no matter where you are.
  • 1200 BCE


    The sirens were people who sang songs.These women lured men to death .To hear what they were saying Odysseus had his men plug their ears with earwax while he listen.Their voices were so enticing he wanted it to stop.
  • 1200 BCE

    Sirens analysis

    I learned Odysseus would risk his own life to protect his men. He had all his men plug thier ears while he listened to the sirens. I also learned that you have to sacrifice your own life to save the lives of others.Odysseus learned that you have to fight for life and dont things get to you. The voices were enticing but he pulled through.
  • 1200 BCE


    After 20 years , odysseus finally makes it back to Inthaca .When he returns he finds out that his homeland have been taken over by suitors.Suitors wanted to take his place , fortunes and his wife. They told everyone that odysseus dead. Now, he has to compete in a contest for Penelope hand in marriage.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helios cattle analysis

    I learned that odysseus is not afraid of anything. He is brave and storing. Circe warned him to not steal Helios cattle because will seek of revenge. He did anyway so I suppose he doesn't' care. He wants what's good for his man and make sure they eat.
  • 1200 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis

    Scylla and Charybdis
    Scylla is a six headed sea monster who eats sailors. She is huge and monstrous . No one could look on her with joy. She has twelve unjointed tentacles. Charybdis is a dangerous whirlpool personified as a female sea monster. She swallows the dark sea tide and three times a day she spews it up and sucks it down again..
  • 1200 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis

    I learned that odysseus is always positive things. He believes that him and his crew can defeat anything. As long as they keep thier spirits up.
  • 1200 BCE


    Cyclopes are one eyed giants that eats whatever they can get their hands including humans.They sleep in mountain caves and also they are stupid.Cyclop is the son of poisedon. Odysseus went to their island to see if they were friendly or not.Nobody really respects them because of their stupidity.
  • 1200 BCE

    Suitors/home analysis

    I learned that odysseus loves his wife and he is very possessive over what's his. He learned that you can't trust everyone because everyone is not trustworthy . No matter how long you have known someone they can betray you. I also I learned that after being gone for so long you might be nervous because you don't know what changed.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helios cattle

    Helios cattle
    Helios was a sun god who pastures his cattle on the island of Thrinacia.Helios cattle are herds and flocks of 7 with 50 beasts in each.The cattle never die because they are immortal . No lambs or calves are dropped.
  • Nov 13, 1200

    Cyclops analysis

    I learned that odysseus doesn't have any respect for them because they are stupid.Odysseus had the cyclops drink the wine nd he after it fell asleep he stabbed him in the eye. He tricked the cyclops into thinking that his name was nobody . Also, the cyclops killed some of his men so wants to get out of the cave so noone else dies. Odysseus learned that the cyclops is big and tough but not as wise.