Feudal Japan- Casey Draper

By Casey:)
  • Jan 1, 1192

    Yoritomo becomes shogun

    Yoritomo becomes shogun
    yoritomo was the founder and the first shogun of the Kamakura Shogunate of Japan
  • Jan 1, 1195

    First zen temple is shofukuji

    First zen temple is shofukuji
    hofukuji is alleged to be the first Zen temple in Japan and was founded by Eisai, brought Zen Buddhism from China, in 1195.
  • Jan 1, 1274

    First mongol invasion of japan

    First mongol invasion of japan
    The Mongol invasions of Japan of 1274 and 1281 were major military efforts undertaken by Kublai Khan to conquer the Japanese islands after the submission of Goryeo (Korea) to vassaldom.
  • Jan 1, 1281

    Mongols invade a second time

    Mongols invade a second time
    In 1266, the Mongol ruler Kublai Khan (a grandson of Genghis Khan) paused in his campaign to subdue all of China, and sent a message to the Emperor of Japan
  • Jan 1, 1336

    Takauji becomes shogun

    Takauji becomes shogun
    In the first weeks of 1336, two years after the fall of Kamakura, the first of the Ashikaga shoguns Ashikaga Takauji left the city for Kyoto in pursuit of Nitta Yoshisada.
  • Jan 1, 1542

    The first portuguese traders arrive

    The first portuguese traders arrive
    Japanese's first contact with with the west after a portuguese ship owent off course and aririved in japanese waters
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Portuguese introduce fire arm

    Portuguese introduce fire arm
    Portuguese sailors introduced guns into Japan. By 1560, they were being used in battle
  • Jan 1, 1549

    saint francis xavier arrives in japan

    saint francis xavier arrives in japan
    He led an extensive mission into Asia, mainly in the Portuguese Empire of the time
  • Jan 1, 1568

    nobunagga permits christinity

    nobunagga permits christinity
    He was the first daiymo ever to incorperate firearms in his battle strtegies.
  • Jan 1, 1582

    christian daimyo send envoy to vatican

    christian daimyo send envoy to vatican
    General Akechi murdered Shogun Oda Nobunaga. Toyotomi Hideyoshi, a general fighting for Nobunaga, reacted very quickly, defeated Akechi, and took over control of the country.
  • hideyoshi's army invades korea

    hideyoshi's army invades korea
    Toyotomi Hideyoshis sent an army to invade Korea after Korea refused to help him invade China.
  • first offical persecution of christian japan

    first offical persecution of christian japan
    After the first landing of Portuguese sailors in Japan in 1542, Christian proselyting led by Francisco Xavier started.
  • tokugawa leyasu orders restrictions, christains missionaires and outlaws of christianity

    tokugawa leyasu orders restrictions, christains missionaires and outlaws of christianity
    With this attitude, Ieyasu closed Japan’s ports to international trade to prevent Christianity from entering the country.
  • portoguses tradder banned from japan

    portoguses tradder banned from japan
    Portuguese traders banned from Japan, and they were told tonot come back
  • relaxation of the ban on importation of foreign books

    relaxation of the ban on importation of foreign books
    Ban lifted on the importation of foreign books and chinese translations (with the exception of books directly concerned with Christianity).
  • commodre perry and us navvy enter bay

    commodre perry and us navvy enter bay
    Commodore Perry and the U.S navy enter the uncharted waters of Uraga bay