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Fetterman Massacre

  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    Act where the law removed the indians.
  • Indian Appropiations Act

    Indian Appropiations Act
    The name where several acts passed by the united states congress.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    Anyone who had never taken up arms against the U.S. government could file an application to claim a federal land grant. There was also a residency requirement.
  • Sand creek massacre

    Sand creek massacre
    Where a 700 man force of Colorado Territory militia attacked and destroyed a peaceful village of Cheyenne and Arapaho inhabited in southeastern Colorado Territory
  • Fetterman massacre

    Fetterman massacre
    Battle between cowboys and indians. It was a batlle during red clouds war.
  • Cheyenne Uprising

    Cheyenne Uprising
    Black Kettle led his his men out while they were starving and in criticle condition.
  • Fort lamarie

    Fort lamarie
    This treaty was to bring peace between the whites and the Sioux who agreed to settle within the Black Hills reservation in the Dakota Territory.
  • Desert Land Act

    Desert Land Act
    Act to encourage and promote the economic the development of the arid and semiarid public lands of the Western states.
  • Nez Perce War

    Nez Perce War
    Chief Joseph a warrior who helped capture mountain bear paw mountain.
  • Wounded Knee Massacre

    Wounded Knee Massacre
    On the mornin of December 29, the troops went into the camp to disarm the Lakota. One version of events claims that during the process of disarming the Lakota
  • Forest Reserve Act

    Forest Reserve Act
    signed into law by President Benjamin Harrison after two decades of debate about public land policy
  • Turners Thesis

    Turners Thesis
    An arguement between Frederick jackson that the American deomcoracy was formed by the american frontier.