Exploring Mars

  • U-69

    Soviet Union tried to send an orbiter to Mars.
  • U-69 B

    Soviet Union launched this orbiter, but both U-69's were destroyed in blast off. They were using a new 3-stage type of rocket.
  • Cosmos 419

    Soviet Union's next attempt to Mars was destroyed in blast off when parts would not separate.
  • Voyager Program

    Voyager Program
    USA cancelled Voyager program scheduled to launch in 1974 because of expense.
  • Mars 2 and 3

    Mars 2 and 3
    Soviet Union launched both of these probes. The landing units did not work so the first mini-rovers sent to Mars did get a chance to work. Mars 3 orbiter was able to send images back to Earth. This gave information on gravity and the surface.
  • Mars 4, 5, 6 & 7

    Mars 4, 5, 6 & 7
    Soviet Union sent orbiters 4 & 5 to orbit Mars and send images back, and 6 & 7 landing units to take surface pictures. Mars 4, 5, and 6 were successful, 7 was not.
  • Viking 1 & 2

    Viking 1 & 2
    USA launched Viking 1 and a couple weeks later Viking 2. Both landing probes were successful. Sent back first colored pictures, temperatures, storms, pressure, and atmospheric gases.
  • Global Surveyor

    Global Surveyor
    USA launched the Global Surveyor it began to end information back to Earth March 1999. The information sent back on topograghy, composition, and gravity.
  • Mars Pathfinder and Sojourner

    Mars Pathfinder and Sojourner
    USA launched the Pathfinder as a base station with a roving probe to collect information. It was also testing the airbag landing system.
  • Japan's Nozomi

    Japan's Nozomi
    The launch failed because of electrical failure.
  • Mars Climate Orbiter

    Mars Climate Orbiter
    USA launched this probe, but it was lost September 23, 1999.
  • USA Polar Lander

    USA Polar Lander
    USA sent this probe to study the southern part of Mars. On December 3, 1999 communication was lost.
  • European Space Agency's Mars Express Orbiter

    European Space Agency's Mars Express Orbiter
    This orbiter was sent to send images of the surface. The images showed water and CO2 ice. The lander Beagle 2 didn't land properly.
  • USA Mer-A and B

    USA Mer-A and B
    USA launched Mer A 6/10/2003 and B 7/7/2003 to collect samples A from a crater and B from a place that water was known to have had water.
  • USA Phoenix Lander

    USA Phoenix Lander
    USA launched this lander nd it landed May 25, 2008.
  • USA Mars Science Lab with Curiosity Rover

    USA Mars Science Lab with Curiosity Rover
    USA launched this unit to examine Mt. Sharp, a three mile high mount that could contain Mar's history