Explorer//Raegan Horst

  • Nov 14, 1346

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Black Death was spread by trade, and rat fleas. It began in Asia, from the Mongol Empire. They reopened the silk roads which allowed for more interaction between the different cultures. It spread to Europe and killed 25 million people, one-third of the population.
  • Nov 14, 1418

    School of Navigation

    School of Navigation
    Prince Henry started the first school for oceanic navigation along with an astronomical observatory at Sagres, Portugal. In this school, people were trained in nagivation, map-making, and science, in order to sail down the west of Africa.
  • Nov 14, 1442

    Black Slaves Auction

    Black Slaves Auction
    Prince Henry established a slave market & fort in Arguin Bay in 1445 and they were brought back to Portugal. When a large slave auction was held in Lagos in that same year it was described by one witness as a "terrible scene of misery and disorder". By 1455 800 Africans were transported to Portugal annually.
  • Nov 14, 1498

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus was the first to discover the American Conitinent. At the time he thought it was just a part of Asia, but it was really what is now today Central America. He sailed with the consent of Spain's rulers.
  • Nov 14, 1499

    Amerigo Vespucchi

    Amerigo Vespucchi
    One year after Christopher Columbus discovers what he believes to be another part of Asia, Vespucchi has his own ideas. He explored all along the coast of South America. From his exploration he came to the conclusion that it is a new continent and is not part of Asia.
  • Nov 14, 1507


    A new map of the world included the newly discovered continent. It was named America in honor of Amerigo Vespucchi because he was the first person to conclude that America was it's own continent and not a part of Asia.
  • Nov 14, 1509


    During this time Sebastion Cabot took a different route of exploration. Instead of going to South America he explored the coast of Greenland and was the first person to enter the Hudson Bay.
  • Nov 14, 1512

    Spice Islands

    Spice Islands
    Portuguese explorers reach the Spice Islands in the East Indies (The Moluccas).The sea route to Asia around the Cape of Good Hope allowed the Portuguese to bring spices direct from the markets of Southeast Asia to Europe. It was a dangerous but hugely profitable trade.
  • Nov 14, 1520

    Cape Horn

    Cape Horn
    Magellan rounds Cape Horn and enters the Pacific Ocean. The ships entered the passage later to be called the Strait of
    Magellan. They took over a month to travel
    through the strait, the three remaining vessels
    emerged into what Magellan named the Pacific
  • Nov 14, 1535


    Spanish conqueres found the city of Lima, Peru.The conquistador Francisco Pizarro is considered an important Spanish military commander who had conquered new lands for Spain in the "New World" ("Nuevo Mundo"). At that time although he had been a ferocious cruel invader, many of his statues are found in Peru and Spain.
  • Nov 14, 1577

    Sir Francis Drake

    Sir Francis Drake
    He travelled up the west coast of South America, he continued north, hoping to find a route across to the Atlantic, and sailed further up the west coast of America than any European. Unable to find a passage, he turned south and then in July 1579, west across the Pacific. His travels took him to the Moluccas, Celebes, Java and then round the Cape of Good Hope.
  • Sir Walter Raleigh

    Sir Walter Raleigh
    Tobacco Arrives in English Society. some of the Virginia colonists returned to England and disembarked at Plymouth smoking tobacco from pipes. William Camden reports that "...Indian plant which they call Tabacca and Nicotia, or Tobacco" Tobacco in the Elizabethan age was known as "sotweed."
  • Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    Defeat of the Spanish Armada
    Spain wanted to invade England for many different reasons but one of the main reasons were religion. King Philip was the king of Spain at the time and was Roman Catholic and the English were Protestiants and he wanted to convert everyone back to Roman Catholocism. So in the end Queen Elizabeth and the English came out victorious.
  • Australia

    The Dutch Captain Willem Jansz might have made landfall on Cape York, and charted 300 kms of the coast of a new continent without realising it. The Dutch were the first to discover Australia.
  • Telescope

    The telescope, one of the central instruments of the Scientific Revolution, soon became the astronomer's most essential tool. Now the astronomer could see countless stars and other faint objects never before visible. Suddenly the universe was no longer limited to what the naked eye could see. As telescopes improved, astronomers continued to push back the boundaries of the known universe, peering ever deeper into the surrounding sea of stars known as the Milky Way.
  • paragraph

    There are many reasons why I chose these particular events but the main reason would have to be the significance it had on history. Each one of the events had a part in the world, not to mention the country we are today. Some of the events were diseases that effected population, others were inventions that inspired more inventions, some were naval wars, but the majority were explorations to new, unexplored territories. Every event helped to shape our world's history in many significant ways.