Explorations/Chris Hare

By hareybq
  • Nov 11, 1250

    Incas settle at Cuzco, Peru

    Incas settle at Cuzco, Peru
    The Incas decide to make Cuzco their empire. Cliff cities were built on Mesa Verde. They were then colonized by people known by people known as the Anasazi. The Incas were so successful due to their determaination to rule, size of their people, and strong leaders.
  • Nov 11, 1346

    Black Death of Europe

    Black Death of Europe
    The Black Death Plague started to infect Europe in 1346. The plague was carried by rat fleas. It then killed nearly 1/3 of Europes population. The Black Death not only killed all of these people, but it was a slow, painful death. The disease cause painful black colored boild all over the body, and when popped spread and eventually caused the people to die.
  • Nov 14, 1431

    The Chinese and Africa

    The Chinese and Africa
    The Chinese found a route to Africa. This was important because it allowed the Chinese to trade with the African people. The trade was important for both peoples because it aloud them to have more products from different parts of the world. Not only did it help with the trade routes, but also with the spread of culture.
  • Nov 14, 1442

    The First Auctions of Black Slaves

    The First Auctions of Black Slaves
    Black slaves are first auctioned off in Portugal. This is revolutionary in World and American History. As the blacks were still segrigated in schools up until the 1960's. The blacks were almost always treated unfairly and sometimes even brutally by their slave owners.
  • Nov 14, 1492

    Columbus Discovers West Indies

    Columbus Discovers West Indies
    Columbus learns that compases change slightly as he travels through the lines of longitude. This effects navigating because he learns that he must be careful not to follow the wrong trail. Also some believe this is where the term "Bermuda Triangle" comes from. It was dangorous to sail or fly through here because it potentially made ones compas point them in the wrong direction.
  • Nov 14, 1504

    Columbus Frightens Indians

    Columbus Frightens Indians
    Using a book on Astronomy columbus scares the Indians. He prectics that there could be a total moon eclipse. The Indians assumed that their world could end due to this. This was the a main cause of the fued between the Native Americans and the Europeans.
  • Nov 14, 1507

    New Map

    New Map
    Amerigo Vespucchi discovered that the new land was indeed new land.The newly discovered southern continent finally shows up on a world map. It was named America, in honor of Amerigo Vespucchi. From then on, the newly discovered land was known as America, even today.
  • Nov 14, 1509

    Sebastian Cabot

    Sebastian Cabot
    Cabot discvers and explores what is known as Greenland today. He then enters the Hudson Bay. This is signifigant to world history because he learns of a new part of land. This also showed that there was, and still is, a way to get partically into the land by boat.
  • Nov 14, 1513


    Balboa crosses the Isthmus of Panama. He becomes the first European to see the Pacific Ocean. Balboa made an even more extravigant discovery compared to other expolers because not only did he descover new land, he discovered a new body of water. This is sinifigant because they have found a path to go through the Americas by boat.
  • Nov 14, 1519

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther begins to realize that the Catholic church has become hypocritical and corrupt. He tries solving this problem by starting the Protestant Reformation in Germany. He becomes famous for being the one to take a stand against the catholic church.
  • Nov 14, 1520


    Magellan Goes around Cape Horn. This makes him officaly enters the Pacific Ocean. This becomes the first step in the fameous Magellan circumnavigation. Magellan circumnavigation was importantt because he was the very first to go the whole way around the world.
  • Nov 14, 1533


    Altahualpa was the emperor of the Incas. The Spanish conquerors captured him then used him as much as they could. They used the Incas to get the things they wanted with a promise to return their leader. Eventually it was useless for the Spanish to keep the emporer. Spain then hanged the emporer which was then overtaken partially due to the fact that they were being destroyed by smallpox.
  • Nov 14, 1539

    De Soto

    De Soto
    De Soto explores what is now known as Southeastern United States. He is one of the first to explore the land which is now known as the United States. Following in Juan Ponce de Leons footsteps as Juan Ponce de Leon was the explorer who discovered and named Florida. After this, more and more explorers became interested in exploring this new land and made more encounters with the Native Americans.
  • Nov 14, 1542

    Giovanni Verranzano

    Giovanni Verranzano
    Giovanni Verranzano explored the east coast of whats now known as the United States. The French were exporing this area because it was unknown land. They came in contact with the Native Americans, who gave them conflicts much like the other explorers of the time.
  • Quebec

    The French establish a colony by the name of Quebec. This was one of the first steps in the Europeans colonizing North America. The French have this colony not only as new space, but also as a way to expand Frances power. The downside to this is that the French were vunerable to attack by the Native Americans.
  • Part two...

    ... Ithimus of Panama helped tremendously in the relm of exploration. Therefore, i hand picked each of these historical events as a way of representing the historical past of exploration.
  • Why I Chose These...

    I chose all of these because I felt that they all had a signifigant impacts on history. For example, when the Incas established their capital, it was almost as if they were an official threat to those on coming threats. It was also a way for the Incan people to conregate in one area, or to come together as one people. Another example was when Balboa discovered the pacific Ocean. This was not only signifigant to him and his country, but also to explorers around the world. The discovery of the...