
  • Nov 11, 1346

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    Starting in 1346 to around 1500 there was a large pandemic in Eurasia, the Black Death. It started in central Asia and was carried to Europe by way of trade and exploration. Rats and fleas carried the plague. Devastated, Europe's population dropped drastically and the plague killed roughly 25 million people, approximately a third of the population.
  • Nov 11, 1347

    The First Guns

    The First Guns
    Guns appeared in Europe in the fourteenth century and allowed Europe to become a great, powerful influence in history. With the discovery of guns, Europe was given advantages over other civilizations. Now they could conquer many civilizatons who had not been introduced or had access to the state of the art weaponry. As the innovation of the gun improved, the cannon was made as well as many other weapons used in warfare.
  • Nov 11, 1418

    School of Navigation

    School of Navigation
    Prince Henry the Navigator organizes a School of Navigation and basis for explorations. Located on Cape St. Vincent in Portugal, this school was the first established for oceanic navigation. Pupils were trained in navigation, map-making, and science in hopes that they would in turn use those studies for exploration. The goal was to sail down the coast of Africa.
  • Nov 14, 1420

    The First Caravels

    The First Caravels
    Caravels were designed at Sagres in 1420. These ships utilized lateen sails, triangular sails of Islamic origin that allowed for easier sailing. Caravels are small, fast, types of sailing ships that sat high in the water and that was used by most Spanish and Portuguese explorers in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. These ships greatly improved the sailing and exploration during those centuries.
  • Nov 14, 1440

    The Gutenberg Bible is Printed

    The Gutenberg Bible is Printed
    Johannes Gutenberg was a metalurgist who created and perfected the first printing press, based off of a wine press, in Germany. He was the first to introduce movable type which allowed for education to spread across Eurasia. Thus, previously handwritten scripts were printed, and Europeans flourished during the fifteenth century as information and knowledge was able to transport easily.
  • Nov 14, 1465

    Navigation By Stars is Improved

    Navigation By Stars is Improved
    Immense improvements were made for navigation by stars at this time.Since there was an increase in the need for exploration at the time, navigators improved their techniques. They used tools such as sextants and astrolobes to locate their positions at sea. Therefore, exploration was tremendously bettered and made easier.
  • Nov 14, 1498

    Columbus Discovers America

    Columbus Discovers America
    Christopher Columbus was an Italian born explorer, who under the Catholic Monarchs of Spain, conducted voyages to colonize the New World. On his third voyage, Columbus explored the mainland of South America. However he believed it to be part of Asia. Specifically, he thought that it was India, referring to it as "Indies."
  • Nov 14, 1499

    Amerigo Vespucchi Explores South America

    Amerigo Vespucchi was an Italian explorer, navigator and cartographer who explored the coast of South America. He explored the east coast of the continent and from doing so he concluded that it extended much too far south to be Asia. He renounced the findings of Christopher Columbus. America's title has come from Vespucchi's name Amerigo.
  • Nov 14, 1509

    Sebastion Cabot Explores the Coast of Greenland

    Sebastian Cabot an Italian explorer, navigator, and cartographer was a descendent of the explorer John Cabot. Employed by England, Cabot sailed northward along the coast of Greenland. While doing so, he stumbled upon the entrance to the Hudson Bay. He thought that the Hudson's Bay was a water passage leading around North America to the Orient.
  • Nov 14, 1513

    Balboa Crosses the Isthmus of Panama

    Balboa Crosses the Isthmus of Panama
    Vasco Nunez de Balboa was a spanish conquistador and explorer. After crossing the Isthmus of Panama, Balboa was the first European to discover the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. In order to do so, he crossed the Isthmus overland accompanied by many fellow Spaniards. Also at this time, Ponce de Leon lands in Florida.
  • Nov 14, 1514

    Smallpox was Brought to the Americas

    Smallpox was Brought to the Americas
    Consequently, contact with the New World caused the disastrous spread of disease throughout the Americas. Previously, Natives had not come into contact with the germs of Europeans and they had not built up immunity to diseases. Thus, most of the natives contracted smallpox which devastated their population.
  • Nov 14, 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan Leaves Spain

    Ferdinand Magellan Leaves Spain
    Ferdinand Magellan was a Portugeuse explorer. During his exploration, Ferdinand Magellan wished sail from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Also, Hernan Cortez enters the Aztec Capital of Tenochtitlan to meet the Aztec emperor at this time.
  • Sep 19, 1540

    The Spanish Explorer Coronado Explores the American Southwest

    Francisco Vásquez de Coronado was a Spanish explorer and conquistador. Coronado was the first European to explore North America's Southwest. The reason for the exploration of Mexico was for treasure that was rumored to exist in northern Mexico. WHile their he killed many native americans and also had them convert to Christianity.
  • Nov 14, 1542

    Giovanni Verranzo explores the coast of North America

    Giovanni Verranzo was an Italian explorer who sailed for France. For France, he explored the coast of North America, sailing along it. He was the first European to explore the north coast of North America since the Norse expeditons. There is a bridge in New York named after him as well as a naval vessel of the Italian Navy.
  • Period: Nov 17, 1577 to Nov 17, 1580

    Sir Francis Drake was the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe

    Sir Francis Drake was a British explorer. Magellan led the first voyage around the world, however Sir Francis led the second expedition to sail around the world in a voyage lasting from 1577 to 1580, being the first englishman to do so. He was comissioned by Queen Elizabeth the first with others, John Winter and Thomas Doughty, to complete the expedition.
  • Explanation

    Exploration is defined as an act or instance of exploring or investigating or the investigation of unknown regions. Europe and Asia saw a period of flourishing exploration during the fourteenth to sixteenth century. On the timeline, the events chosen best exhibit the definition. Most explorers and navigators of the time were commisioned by rulers to accomplish expeditions that would investigate, or survey other lands. Most of the journeys were carried out for the spread of religion, fame,
  • Explanation Part 2

    or the search for riches. Improvements made in tools and ships used in navigation were vital to the exploration of the time, and many expeditions may not have occured without them. Exploration was brought about by the search for new trade routes, new goods, new trading partners, and the yearning to learn more about the world.