Exercise 3. Questions on the Importance of the Revolution in Thought?

  • 1550

    The Scientific Revolution

    Scientific revolution is a synonym of historical, conceptual, social, institutional and belief changes linked to science and occurred in Europe between the 16th and 18th centuries.
  • The Enlightenment

    Illustration is the movement of intellectual, cultural, ideological and political renewal that emerged in Europe as a result of the progress and diffusion of New Ideas and new scientific knowledge; the same ones that illuminated the minds of men, that at the same time contributed to modify their spirit. The illustration reached its greatest development in the eighteenth century, called for it "Century of Lights".
  • Enlightened Despotism

    It constituted a form of government that tried to reconcile absolutism with the new ideas of the Enlightenment, trying to combine the interests of the monarchy with the welfare of the governed.
    The term has its origin in the Italian word "Despot", that is to say, sovereign that governs without subject to any law.
  • The US Independence

    The today U.S.A. had its origin in the territories that the English colonized on the Atlantic coast of North America (XVII), where they established 13 colonies, those ones were incorporated to the domains of the British Empire. At the end of the XVIII century, these colonies, through many wars against England, managed to emancipate themselves. So, this is one of the most important events because it served as an example to the Spanish-American colonies that also aspired to their liberation.
  • The French Revolution

    It is known as the French Revolution to the political, social, economic and military movement, which emerged in France in 1789; the same that brought as a consequence the collapse of the absolutist monarchy, which until then had ruled France, at the same time that it originated the establishment of a democratic republican government and likewise, the initiation of a new epoch called "The contemporary epoch".