
Evolution of theatrical spotlights

  • Jan 1, 1580

    Before spotlights

    Before spotlights
    Originally theaters used candles for foot lighting and other forms for lighting in academic and court theaters. (exact date unknown)
  • Before spotlights

    Before spotlights
    After candles they used oil lamps to light the stage for performances. They hung on the wall to help light up the actors. They also used chandeliers with candles on them above to actors to also help. (exact date unknown)
  • More focused spotlight

    More focused spotlight
    The 6 inch, 750 watt Fresnel is a soft edged, variable beam instrument which is primarily used in the educational and community theatre. It is normally used on stage for area lights and general washes. The size of the pool of light is determined by the throw and the position of the focus knob: Spot to Flood. Maximum throw at this focus is about 36 feet. (exact date unknown)
  • Beginning of spotlight

    Beginning of spotlight
    The first ever incandescent spotlight was created the British inventor Joseph Wilson Swan. It was said that the improvements were that they didn't consume oxygen and didn't produce as much heat as the candles and oil lamps. (exact date unknown)
  • 1st electric spotlight

    1st electric spotlight
    The first electric American spotlight was installed on the stage the Boston Bijou's theatre. Within the next 20 years most of the "modern" theatres will switch from to to electric cause its much safer than fire. (exact date unknown)(
  • Brighter spotlights

    Brighter spotlights
    Louis Hartmann invented 5" a baby lens which was 50 times more powerful than a candle (about 50 watts) for the production of The Music Teacher (exact date unknown) (
  • the invention of the ellipsoidal spotlights

    the invention of the ellipsoidal spotlights
    Ellipsoidal spotlights combine with a reflector to plan-convex lenses. Lekos is actually the trade name of those ERSes manufactured originally by Century and subsequently by Strand. (exact date unknown)
  • Light boards

    Light boards
    Preset boards are the most basic lighting consoles (light boards) The lighting console communicates with the dimmers and other lighting systems by a protocol. A lighting board is used in mainly in theatre, on stages, film and studios of all sorts in which it allows the program operator to vary the intensities of the lights being used on the set. (exact date unknown) (