Evolution of the field of Instructional Design Technology

  • First School Museum Opens

  • Visual Education

    term used as far back as 1908, to describe media in school.
  • First Catalog of Instructional Films in the United States

  • Adopt films for regular instructional use

    Public school system of Rochester, New York
  • Thomas Edison Proclaimed "books will soon be obsolete in the schools...

    ...It is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture. Our school system will be completely changed int he next ten years" (cited in Saettler, 1968, p. 98).
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    technological advances in such areas as radios broadcasting, sound recordings, and sound motion pictures led to increased interest in instructional media.

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    Instructional technology viewed as media

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    Audiovisual Enthusiasts hail radio as the medium for revoulutionizing education

    radio, films, and television
  • Most important text book Visualizing the Curriculum

    Charles F. Hoban, Sr Charles Hoban, Jr; and Stanley B Zissman. Sttaed the value of audiovisual material was a function of their degree of realism.
  • Behavorial Leanring Theory

    learning can be understood, explained, and predicted entirely on the basis of observable events, namely the behavior of the learner along with its environmental antecedents and consequences
  • United States established the Division of visual Aids for War Training

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    U.S. ARMY AIR FORCE produced more than 400 training films and 600 filmstrips

  • Germany admits training of Americans was the only thing they couldnt calculate.

  • Edgar Dale "Cone of Experience"

    elaborated on 'Visualizing the Curriculum'
  • Shannon and Weaver model

    focused on the communication process, a process involving a sender and receiver of a message, and a channel or medium through which that message is sent.
  • Federal Communication Commission set forth 242 channels for educational purposes

  • Sputnik

    Soviet Union Launched Sputnik, U.S. Government shocked by the success poured millions of dollars into improving math and science education in the United States.
  • Preparing Obvjectives for Programmed Instruction: Rober Mager

    how to write objectives that include a description of desired learning behaviors are to be performed, and the standards by which the behaviors are to be judged.
  • Concepts that were being developed in such areas as task analysis, objective specification, and criterion-referened testing were linked together to form a process, or model, for sytematiclaly designing instructional materials.

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    Instructional Technology Viewed As a process

  • Criterion-referenced test is intended to measure how well an individual can perform a particular behavior or set of behaviors.

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    birth of instructional theory and active research on instructional strategies

  • The conditions of learning _Robert Gagne

    Described five mains or type of learning outcomes verbal information, intellectual skills, psychomotor skills, attitudes, and cognitive strategies
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    instructional design models increased

    u.s. military adopted the instructional design model 1975. First half of decade instructional improvement centers were created with the intent of helping faculty use media and instructional design procedures to improve the quality of their instruction
  • cognitive information processing theory

    regards the environment as playing an important role in learning. differs from behavioral internal processes within the learner that explain learner
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    Growth and Redirection

    Growing interest in how the principles of cognitive psychology could be applied in the instructional design process and a number of publications outlining potential applications were described
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    shift to cognitive learning theory and related instructional theories

  • Computers were being used for instructional purposes in more than 40 percent of all elementary schools and more than 75 percen of all secondary schools in the United States

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    shift to construcivism and situated learning

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    E-learnign and informal learning

    several developments have had major influence in the field of instructional design. online learning =formal education vs. informal (youtube).
  • 4.6 milion students were taking online courses