Evolution of Andragogy vs. Pedagogy

By sfm1290
  • Alexander Kapp

    Alexander Kapp
    Kapp coined the term "Andragogy" he was a German teacher and believed that learning was not only through teachers but self reflection and life experiences. Andragogy
  • Johann Friedrich Herbert

    Johann Friedrich Herbert
    Herbert was a German educator and philosopher. He was the founder of empirical psychology. He was the founder of pedagogy as an academic discipline. Herbert
  • Eduard C. Lindeman

    Eduard C. Lindeman
    Lindeman was an American educator that was the pioneer in contributions to adult education. He wrote a book called "The Meaning of Adult Education" Lindeman
  • Ivan Pavlov

    Ivan Pavlov
    Pavlov was a famous psychologist. He is best known for his findings in classical conditioning and child psychology research. Classical Conditioning
  • Paulo Reglus Neves Freire

    Paulo Reglus Neves Freire
    Freire was a Brazilian educator. He was the leading advocate of critical pedagogy. His work "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" was considered the most influential for the pedagogy movement. Freire
  • Malcolm Knowles

    Malcolm Knowles
    Knowles' was an American adult educator. Andragogy is the art and science of adult learning. Knowles' created the 4 Principles of Andragogy. Andragogy
  • David A. Kolb

    David A. Kolb
    Kolb was an American educational theorist. He published his learning styles model "The Experimental Learning Cycle" Kolb
  • Constructivism

    Constructivism became popular in public education in the 1980's. The Constructivist approach to learning and instruction has been proposed as an alternative to the objectivist model. More Info
  • ADDIE Model

    ADDIE Model
    Stands for Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluate. ADDIE Model
  • E-Learning

    E-Learning has become increasingly popular over the last decade. Used to create courses or entire curriculum solely online.Takes adult learning outside of the traditional classroom. E-Learning