everything after ww2

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    Ronald Reagan

    Was the upcoming of a great economy and helped the idea of trickle down econmics, also known as reganomics and was a big part of the war on drugs in america.
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    Rosa parks

    Civil rights leader, started the Montgomery bus boycott. Also aided MlK Jr. she was a very vocal person that was awarded awards from the NAACP because she was a very confident person and helped in the African American fight for freedom
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    Gerald Ford

    Was a pointless president, said that Richard wasn't responsible for his actions which he was and he fell down stairs a lot. Worst presidential economy downfall ever. Also pardoned Nixon for his huge error making a very controversial decision by pardoning it.
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    MLK Jr.

    A black civil rights leader and activist that used his voice to help the resistance of segregation. Had very different views compared to his counterpart Malcolm X who used violence for his rights.
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    Baby Boom

    The American people that increased the amount of babies by 50 million and made the population increase and was a time for family and prosperity
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    Bill Clinton

    Largest reduction plan, Helped economy immensely, Created new jobs, Made educations a priority
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    Donald Trump

    Current president that has made lots of questionable decisions but some are very smart ideas such as the problems with the middle east.
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    Cold War

    The superpowers in that time period soviet union and the west side of the iron curtain where in small battles not battling each other but using smaller countries to other enemy countries
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    Berlin Airlift

    Berlin was ruled by four different countries the east side consisted of soviets. and the eastern side was the British, Americans, and the French. So the U.S. decided they need to send supplies to the people of Berlin because of the blockade they made.
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    Warsaw Pact

    An agreement made by countries to become under soviet control and pretty much become puppet countries. Also swearing that they are under communist control by obeying the SSR
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    Vietnam war

    Was a war between two puppet states the northern Vietnam was in communist control and the south was a democracy but the Vietcong a guerrilla combat force that was located in south Vietnam was a big part since the soldiers didn't know who was an ally or an enemy which lead to a lot of deaths and the Homeland questioning the way the executed plans.
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    Elvis was an upbringing of new music era of people being scandalous at that time and age. By swinging his hips and upbeat music.
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    Berlin Wall

    A wall that separated Berlin and the ideology of capitalism into the communist side of Berlin Which made a split but made the people of west Germany scared because of being surrounded by communist
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    Cuban missle crisis

    a standoff between the two main superpowers the U.S. and the Soviet Union. This all occurred when the Cuban country faced off the US and threataned to attack.
  • Robert F Kennedy Assassination

    Robert F Kennedy Assassination
    Robert F Kennedy was in Texas and was shot at by still an unproven conflict and was killed.
  • Watergate

    A scandal that was because Richard Nixon was found in the Watergate hotel with some other members trying to tap the other parties communications and stealing papers
  • Challenger Explosion

    Challenger Explosion
    NASA launched a Challenger and a malfunction occurred which killed 7 astronauts and then stopped NASA continuing for a while.
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    Persian Gulf War

    War in saudi arabia because of coaltion causing this to occur Iraqi defeat. Happened in desert storm warfare causing conflict in the middle east because of oil.
  • 9/11

    A Terrorist attack on the Twin towers which was caused by Al-Queda and started new laws restricting entrance into the pilots cabin
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    Hurricane Katrina and Harvey

    Two massive hurricanes that people are still recovering from and Harvey affected a lot of smaller countries and smaller income countries