“Events Leading Up to Partition of India”

  • East India Company Rule

    East India Company Rule
    This rule forced Indian rulers to sign treaties that grant then a greater power. With this India gained enormous wealth from the rest of India. Robert Clive was the one who got many local rulers to favor East India Company.
  • The Sepoy Rebellion

    The Sepoy Rebellion
    The sepoys are troops in India who serve in the British army. They found out that their new rifles were greased with beef/pork fat. In Delhi the fighight started but then later spreaded across India and in the end the British put down this uprising.
  • Mohandas Gandhi (Principles and what he fought for)

    Mohandas Gandhi (Principles and what he fought for)
    He had a method called satyagraha/ truth force that was an idea for nonviolent resistance to end injustice. His goal was to convert the wrongdoer. He was a key figure in Indian stuggle for independence and won the backing of the Indians who had benefited most from the British rule.
  • Formation of the Indian National Congress

    Formation of the Indian National Congress
    Formed by Indians to work for a change. Meny people that joined were Hindus who lived in cities. They called for a gradual change and they urged the British to more government jobs in India.
  • Formation of the Muslim League

    Formation of the Muslim League
    They founded this league under the leadership of Muhammad Ali Jinnah when the Hindu nationalism grew. With this Jinnah came to believe that India should be two separate nations.
  • Salt March

    Salt March
    With the tax on salt Gandhi used satyagraha to protest and the British laws forbade Indians to make salt and they had to buy heavliy taxed by the government. Many people then went on a 200 mile march and at the coast they broke the law by making salt from the sea water.
  • Quit India campaign

    Quit India campaign
    Gandhi and congress members organized this movement when the British refused for Indias independence. This urged Indians to follow a policy of non-cooperation with the British.
  • Hindu-Muslim Conflict

    Hindu-Muslim Conflict
    With independence a tragic conflict took place with the Hindu and the Muslims. The British encouraged the conflict because they were hoping to weaken the nationalists. THe Muslims feared hat their rights would not be respected in a country with Hindus and Bandhi was hoping that they would both workd together.
  • Indian Independence Act

    Indian Independence Act
    They British parlament passed this act and this act ended the British rule in India. Also provided for the partition for the indian subcontinent into 2 separate and independent nations.
  • Gandhi Assassinated (30 January 1948)

    Gandhi Assassinated (30 January 1948)
    With this independence in India it came with many violence and Gandhi refused to celebreade. Months laters he held prayr meetings across India. A Hindu extremist shot Gandhi that later killed him.