Events Leading Up to Partition of India

By kochcon
  • East India Company Rule

    East India Company Rule
    Led by Robert Clive and forced Indian rulers to sign treaties granting it greater power. The East India Company gained enormous wealth from India. To protect its interests, the company set up a law code and a court system.
  • The Sepoy Rebellion

    The Sepoy Rebellion
    The Indian troops heard that the cartridges for their new rifles were greased with beef or pork fat. Muslims were forbidden to touch pork. The Sepoy Rebellion spread across northern and central India. Eventually, the British put down the uprising.
  • Mohandas Gandhi

    Gandhi united many groups within the nationalist movement. He inspired the common people of India to work for change. Gandhi won the backing of the Indians who had benefited most from British rule.
  • Formation of the Indian National Congress

    Formation of the Indian National Congress
    Most members were Hindus who live in the cities. The INC started to call for gradual change. The INC also urged the British to open more government jobs to Indians.
  • Formation of the Muslim League

    Formation of the Muslim League
    The Muslim League was founded under the leadership of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Tension rose between Hindus and Muslims. Jinnah believed that the subcontinent must be divided into two seperate nations.
  • Salt March

    Salt March
    In 1930, Gandhi led followers on a 200 mile march to the coast and they made salt. Gandhi was arrested with 50,000 other Indians. He gained support from Indian nationalists.
  • Quit India Campaign

    Quit India Campaign
    When the British refused to grant independence, Gandhi and other Congress members set up this program. This movement urged Indians to follow a policy of non-cooperation with the British. The British didn't like this so they arrested more than 20,000 Congress members.
  • Hindu-Muslim Conflict

    Hindu-Muslim Conflict
    Division grew largely between the Hindu Congress party and the Muslim league. The Muslims demanded a seperate nation. Gandhi want the Hindus and Muslims to work together for independence. Economic and political differences between the two groups further increased tension.
  • Indian Independence Act

    Indian Independence Act
    This act was passed in 1947 by the British. The act ended British rule in India. It also provided for the division of the Indian subcontinent into two sperate independent nations. One nation was India and the other was Pakistan.
  • Gandhi Assassinated

    Gandhi refused to celebrate India's independence. He held prayer meetings across India. Because of his actions, Ghandhi was shot by a Hindu extremist.