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Events Leading to the Civil War

  • invention of the cotton gin

    invention of the cotton gin
    the cotton gin was a machine that helped southern farmers with the cotton separating
  • Missouri compromise

    Missouri compromise
    the Missouri compromise was a two part compromise,it would admit Maine as a free state and draw a border from slave states this would bring balance (}
  • Nat Turners rebellion

    Nat Turners rebellion
    Nat turners rebellion was an event were Nat and other salves murdered Nat's master family when they were travailing
  • tariff of 1828 and nullification crisis

    tariff of 1828 and nullification crisis
    the tariff of 1828 was put on to protect northern businesses and taxed imported goods and the nullification crisis was to declare null and void of the tariffs ( (
  • Wilmot proviso

    Wilmot proviso
    a bill that outlawed any slavery in the land obtained from the war with Mexico (
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    A series of compromises that were made in order to advert crisis with the south and west. They also abolished slavery in certain lands but this angered the south and west.
    Compromise of 1850
  • Period: to

    Underground Railroad

    secret network of people who helped slaves escape into a free territory (
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    The Kansas and Nebraska act was made to give Kansas and Nebraska the choice of whether they would allow slavery or not. The act helped calm some tensions with the south.
  • Period: to

    'Bleeding Kansas'

    Bleeding Kansas was a series of political confrontations that were violent. Antislavery states and proslavery states fought each other in order to show dominance.
  • Brooks-Sumner Event

    Brooks-Sumner Event
    The Brooks-Sumner event was an incident when a representative named Brooks hit sumner with a cane. This incident really made tensions worse between the North and South.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    This event was about how Dred Scott made a lawsuit on the supreme court over slavery. The court ruled him as still a slave and did not have the right to file a lawsuit since he had no rights.
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    Lincoln-Douglas Debates
    The debates were a series of seven between Lincoln and Douglass. These debates were very heated and only raised tensions between the North and a South.