Europeans Explore the East

  • Feb 1, 1418

    Prince Henry Starts His Navigation School

    Prince henry craeted a school were students could learn how to navigate, create maps, and they learned how to builed ships.
  • Feb 3, 1488

    Bartolomeu Dias rounds the southern tip of Africa

    Bartolomeu had to turn back away from asia because of a hideous storm.
  • Feb 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus reaches the Caribbean

    Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in fourteen hundred ninety two
  • Feb 3, 1494

    Spain and Portugal sign the Treaty of Tordesillas

    The land west of the imaginary line was spains and the land east of the imaginary line was portugals.
  • Feb 3, 1502

    Vasco da Gama reaches the port of Calicut on the Indian Ocean

    A Portugese exploror who began his explorations in 1498
  • Feb 3, 1521

    Ferdinand Magellan leads a Spanish expedition to the Philippines

    Ferdinand Magellan leads a Spanish expedition to the Philippines
    Ferdinand Magellan was the first man to sail around the world
  • Feb 3, 1565

    Spain begins settlements in the Philippines

    Spain begins settlements in the Philippines
    when the spanish arrived in the philipeans they established them as the spanish indies
  • The Dutch establish a trading center on Java

    The Dutch establish a trading center on Java
    The trading center was dcreated in the early 17th century
  • France sets up its own East India Company

    France sets up its own East India Company
    this company was created by france for the pupose for the buying and selling of goods in the east