Fall of berlin wall

European History

  • Hitler attacks Poland

  • Period: to

    Duration of WWII

    WWII was actually an extension of WWI. There was a deep seated hatred among the Germans against France at the end of WWI due to broken promises during surrender negotiations. Hitler used this to rally the German people, and blamed the Jews as the forces behind the scenes causing the economic depression after the war, and masterminding the war to profit from financing Germany's destruction.
  • Hitler attacks France and defeats her

  • Hitler attacks Soviet Union

  • Allies invade France on D-Day

  • Berlin and Eastern Germany dived from West Germany by Soviets

  • Germany Surrenders

  • Period: to

    Cold War...ish

    During the Cold War The soviet Union was trying to take over the world. Or most of it anyway. The United States threatened them to make them stop. It's called the Cold War becase there was no actual fighting. The US and the Soviet Union had nulclear missiles trained on each other, assuring mutual distruction if either one fired. People lived in fear that one would go off accidentally or "accidentally." The Cold War ended when the Soviet Union disbanded.
  • Berlin Wall goes up

    Berlin Wall is errected to hold East Germans captive to Communist Domination
  • Berlin Wall comes down

    And Soviet Union dissolves soon after this. I love how the wall was taken down by the people after the government was in charge for so long.