Erikson's Stages

  • Trust vs Mistrust

    Trust vs Mistrust
    Darian, a 10 month year old boy, would cry when he was being carried by anyone other than his mother Elaine.Obviously he wasn't as comfortable me and other people who wasn't used to being cared by like is mother. This is the first stage In Erikson's theory of psychological development. It is called Trust vs Mistrust, which occurs during the first 18 months after a child is born and isn't completely sure of his or hers surroundings.
  • Identity vs role confusion

    Identity vs role confusion
    Nathan, a 15 year old teenager, is trying new things in and outside of school to figure out what he likes to do. He's taking a dance class and is also signing up for a piano class. On top of that he wants to explore friendships and relationships. This could change his life in a very positive way, Nathan is getting to know himself and what he enjoys to do. During this stage, which is the fifth of Erikson's theories is exploring exploring sense of self and attempting at figuring out who you are.
  • Ego integrity vs Despair

    Ego integrity vs Despair
    Georgina, a 68 year old woman is becoming depressed. She is very unsatisfied with how she feels she wasted her life. She regrets not moving out of state and having a different job and many other life decisions she feels like she could have made differently. This is the last stage of Erik Erikson's 8 stages, where after the age of 65 people tend to look back on their lives and think upon their decisions and the goals they had desired to accomplish.this could strongly effect emotional health.