• House Committee

    *A congressional committee is a legislative sub-organization in the United States Congress that handles a specific duty (rather than the general duties of Congress)
  • 27th Amendment

    prohibits any law that increases or decreases the salary of members of Congress from taking effect until the start of the next set of terms of office for Representatives. means that the salaries of congress will not change until the next term in office .
  • Cornelius Vanderbilt

    At the age of 16 Vanderbilt deecided to start his own ferry service. He was an American Tycoon, Philantrophist who built his wealth in railroads ans shipping. He took interset in railroads during the 1850s serving on the board of directors of the erie railway, The New York and harlem and many others. He began his business by ferrying freight and passengers between staten island manhatten, he own the hudson river streamer.
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    Age of the Steamboat

    Invented to replace sailboats. Grently improved the transport of materials, goods, and people. powered by coal. burning coal has polluting effect on the environment. New Marine disel engines met requirements yet they continue emit large amounts of pollution in the air. Contributes on serious health problems.
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    New Immigration

    The national origins formula was to determine how many immigrants were allowed to enter the U,S, Who Are They?, Italy, Russia, Poland and Greece as well as Asians locales such as China and Japan.Economic opportunities , safety, freedom, lower taxes. California, New York, Texas. The women were maids, men were labores and warehouses.
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    Harsh Working Conditions

    Dangerous machines, factories were either very hot or cold , poor ventilation ( hard to breathe) , cramped conditons led to deformities in legs and bones.14/16 hours per day. Employers hired men to beat workers . No sanitation. Wages - $1.25 a day for unskilled workers, $3 a day for skilled workers. Women and children are hired because they are smaller and get less pay. Children jobs included sitting in the dark as ventilation openers, and "scavengers" that crawl under operating machinery
  • Monroe Doctrine

    The Monroe Doctrine was a policy of the United States introduced on December 2, 1823
  • Henry Cabot Lodge

    Following American victory in the Spanish–American War, Lodge came to represent the imperialist faction of the Senate, those who called for the annexation of the Philippines. Lodge maintained that the United States needed to have a strong navy and be more involved in foreign affairs
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    William M. Tweed

    William M. Tweed, most known for being "boss" of Tammany Hall. He was the 3rd Landowner in NY as well as a director of the Evie Railroad. He was elected to the U.S House of Representatives in 1852, and became the Head of Tammony Hall in 1858. Tammany was a democratic party political machine that played a roll in NY State political and helping immigrants. He stole money, He wanted to be part owner of the bridge company.
  • 13th Amendment

    The 13th Amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except for a punishment fora crime. it legally prohibited chattel slavery, exceot as a punishment , and mooted parts of the original constitution which deal with slavery.
  • NAACP -W.E.B. DuBois

    He wan an American sociologist, historian, civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist, author and editor. Born in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, Du Bois grew up in a relatively tolerant and integrated community. After graduating from Harvard, where he was the first African American to earn a doctorate, he became a professor of history, sociology and Atlanta University. Du Bois was one of the co-founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in 1909.Anti-Lynching Bill | C
  • 14th Amendment

    *The Fourteenth Amendment (Amendment XIV) to the United States Constitution was adopted on July 9, 1868, as one of the Reconstruction Amendments.The amendment addresses citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws, and was proposed in response to issues related to former slaves following the American Civil War.
  • 15th Amendment

    The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the federal and state governments from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude"
  • Chinese Exclusionary Act

    One of the most significant restrictions on free immigration in us history prohibitng all immigration of chinese laborers. Americans in the west presisted in their stereotyping of the chinese as degraded, exotic, dangerousand competitors for jobs and wages.
  • Pendleton Act of 1883

    That was a federal law that states that government jobs should be given on the basis of merit rather than political ties.
  • Andrew Crnegie-Carnegie

    He was an industrialist and a philanthropist. He started as a telegrapher. By the 1860s, he had investments in railroads. In 1864, Carnegie invested $40,000 in storyfarm on oil creek. In one year, the farm yielded over $1 million in cash dividends. He sold his steel company to J.P Morganfor $480 Million. He built Carnegie Hall.
  • John D. Rockefeller

    John Davison Rockefeller, Sr. qas an american business magnate and philanthropist. He was cofounder of the standard oil company which dominated the oil industry and was the first great U.S business trust. He shipped oil that wasn't made from kerosine and was safe. Andrew Camigie taxed him a lot to use the railroads but started a cartel to lower his prices for shipping the best oil.
  • Interstate Commerce Act of 1887

    designed to regulate the railroad industry, particulary its monopolistic pilicies .
    Act was passed due to growing public concern with the growing power and wealth of corporations (carnegie, Rockefeller, ect.)
    Did not give the goverment power to amend prices, but forced a rule that must be "Just and Reasonable"
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    The government makes monopolies illegal,
    The people owning the monopolies are mad because the government is taking away their privately owned businesses.
    A monopoly is when a person or business takes over their whole area of businesses, like Andrew Carnegie taking over the steel production.(He made a loy, increased steel prices, lowered steel quality, led for economy).
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    Populist Party

    The party's platforms called for the abolition of natural banks, a working day of eight hours and governemt control of railroads, telegraphs and telephones. Happens for poor white cotton farmers.
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    Ellis Island

    10.5 Million Europeans immigrants who were approved were asked questions about name, occupation, and amount of money. People with diseases were sent home or held in hospitals (3,000 died) Unskilled workers were sent home. 2% not admitted for diseases, criminal background and insanity.
  • Red Record

    Author was Ida B. Wells , Its a pamphelt of 100 pages described lynching in the Unoted States since the emancipation proclamation. She explains that 100,000 negroes have been killed without a formality of judicial trial and legal execution.
  • Pledge of Allegiance

    Was written by Francis Belloney. " i pledge allegiance to my flag and the republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible with justice and liberty for all"
    "My flag to be changed to "the flag of the United States" so that the immigrants would not get confused loyalties between their country and the U.S.
  • plessy v. Ferguson

    plessy v. Ferguson established the separate but equal clause in 1896. This meant that white people and black people had to have everything the same but they were to be separated from each other. Examples include restaurants, restrooms, water fountains, schools, etc. Unfortunately, the problem was that things were separate but they definitely were not equal. Black children did not get good schools or good teachers, as well as many other things.
  • Klondike Gold Rush

    Gold was discovered in the blondihe region on August 16, 1896 which caused a migration of prospectors between 1896 and 1899, an estimated of 100,000 traveled there but about 30,000 to 40,000 only arrived, and only 4,000 found gold. The cold climate was the reason why few people reached there. the native people who lived in the regions suffered environmental damages of the gold mining on the rivers and foresThe economy gold boom at fisrt because those who arrived spent money in things that would
  • Open Door Policy

    In 1902, The United States gov. protested that Russian encroachment in manchuria after the boxer rebellion was a violation of the open door policy. The policy called upon foreign powers, within their spheres of influence, to refrain form enterfering
  • Tropedus

    -Many classes of ships including submarines, and aircraft were armed with torpedus.
    -Naval strategy at the time was to use tropedus launched from submarines of worships against enemy fleet action on high seas.
  • John Pierpont Morgan

    JP Morgan dominated corporate finance and industrial consolidation. Morgan began talks with Charles M. Shwab President of Carnegie Co, and businessman, Andrew Carnegie's steel business and marge it with severalother steel business, Coal, Mining, and shipping firms to create the United States steel corporation. He dericted the banking coalition that stopped the panic of 1907.
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    Theodore Roosevelt

    was elected vice presdient in the 1900 election , september 14 1902 was the date that theodore roosevelt first took office due to the assassination of william mckinley. He was re-elected and served until march 4 1909. The foreign policy of theodore roosevelt was the corollary monroe doctrine.
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    Muckraker Journalism

    Muckraker focused more on political and corporate corruption. The magazines was raising public awareness of chronic urban poverty, unsate working conditons and social issues like child labor. Their reports exposed bribery and corruption at the city and state level, as well as in congres, that led to reforms and chamed election resluts, such as the establishment of the pure food and drug act of 1906.
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    Panama Canal

    The United States wanted to build Panama Canal because they wanted the trip to get to the pacific ocean to be shorter from the Atlantic ocean. The Panama Canal would also shorten shipping times and prevent loss of ships on dangerous routes. France began work on the canal in 1881, but had to stop because of engineering problems and high mortality due to diease. Allows for faster shipping which uses less gas, resulting in a better env.. It also makes it so panamanians dont have to pay taxes.

    -It gave the allies early warning of enemy air attacks.
    -Played a major role in the battle of Britain, allowing fighter commandto position aircraft where they were needed.
    -US Navy ships had a massive advantage over the Japanese when fighting at night.
  • The Roosevet Corollary

    Was an amendment to the monroe doctrine which stated that the U.S reserved the right etablize the economies of central american, sotuh american and carribean nations who were unable to pay off their international debts. This was done to prevent European nations from intervening in the United States " Sphere of Influence"
  • The Jungle

    Written by American Journalist and Novelist upton sinclair, He wrote it to portray the lives of immigrants in the U.S and Chicago and similar industralized cities. Many readers were most concerned with his exposure of health violations and unsanitary practices in the American meatpacking industry. The book also epicted working class poverty, absence of social programs and harsh unpleasant living and working conditions.
  • Pure food and drug act of 1906

    Purpose - Ban Foreign and interstate traffic in mislabeled food and drug products. This required active ingredients to be placed on labels. This set up the U.S food and drug Administration.
  • Orval Faubus - Governor of Arkansas - Litttle Rock High School

    Wen he used the National Guard to stop African Americans from attending Little Rock Central High School as part of federally ordered racial desegregation.Lost general populitary as a result of this and against desegregation
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    Angel Island

    The main
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    progressive Party

    The progressive party of 1912 was an amercian political party. It was formed by farmers. President Theodore Roosvelt, after a split in the republican party between him and William Howard Taft. Some of the ideals were minimum wage for women, and eight hour work day, womens suffrage, direct election or senators.
  • Federal Reserve Act

    The federal reserve act was enacted in rsponse in a series of financial crisis. The intent of the act was to create a degree of financial stability. The act empowers the fed to regulate and supervise banks and to develop and implement monetary policy. The act also created 12 regional federal reserve banks that monitor and supervise private banks that monitor and supervise private banks in their region.
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    World War 1

    Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferninand and Sarajero blamed Serbia Austria joined in which caused everyone else declared war because everyone was an alliance
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    Weapons of Total War

    U. Boats were used to enforce the Navel Blockade. The submarines had self proppeled torpedos. Mines were used for defensive barrier to slow down the enemy and having some time to shoot them before they reach you. Water based mines were used for the same thing but against enemys submarines, they would blow up if they came in contact with it. Machines guns were another defensive weapon that caused alot of casualities. Trench warfare were dug as a defensive measure.
  • Lester Maddox - Governor of Georgia - refused to serve African-Americans in his Restaurants

    Maddox's refusal to adjust to changes following the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 manifested itself when he filed a lawsuit to continue his segregationist policies.Maddox became a martyr to segregationist advocates by leasing and then selling the restaurant to employees rather than agreeing to serve black customers , also helps them by getting them a job.
  • American Expeditionary Force

    The AEF consisted of the U.S armed forces sent to Europe in World War 1. President Woodrow Wilson appointed major general John. J. "Black Jack" Pershing in May 1917; Pershing remained in command for the entire war. Their Nickname was " The Doughboys", there are several theories to its origin, an often explanation is that the term fisrt came from the Mexican-American after observes nticed U.S infanrty forces were constantly covered with chunhy dust, giving tem the appearance of unbaked dough.
  • Sam Walton

    He aknowledges that his one-stop-shopping center format was based on Meijer’s innovative concept.Buying in volume and efficient delivery permitted sale of discounted name brand merchandise.
  • Battle of Aragonne Forest

    This was the last major battle of World War one. The U.S and france fought Germany in France because Germany was declaring war on a lot of nations. This invloved 1.2 Million American soldiers Who were led by John J. Pershing.
  • Alvin York

    York is a famous war hero, he received the congressional metal of honor. Him and a few other US soldiers got attacked by a german machine gunner squad. The germans were at the top of the hill shooting into the trenches. York was unable to be seen in the trenches so he began shooting at the germans heads, killing 28. He told them to surrender, and 130 germans were taken in as prisioners.
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    The Roaring Twenties

    This time period is marked by optimism, celebration, experimentation and social change, but also fear of external influences and a loss of 'American culture'."
  • Fourteen Point Plan

    Author Was a president Woodrow Wilson, The purpose was that it declared that WW1 was being fought for moral cause and calling for postwar peace in Europe.
    The reaction was largely positive, some leades of the Allied Powers hoped for territorial gain,
    1919 Nobel Peace prize for his peace making efforts.
  • 18 th Amendment

    The 18th Amendment to the U.S constitution banned the manufacture, state, and transportation of alcoholic beverages in the United States and its possessions. Contrary to common belief, it did not prohibit the purchase or consumption of alcohol.
    The drinking and sell of alcohol in the United States was banned. Althoughit was banned , people still found ways to drink it and criminals got rich selling bootleg alcohol.
  • treaty of Versailles

    Germany was blamed for WW2 and was forced to pay debts and be places under restrictions such as military restrictions with land taken, the debts were to difficult to pay and dropped germany in a depression, and evetually resulting in WW2 The U.S did not sign the treaty as it objected to the terms , specifically the high prices given to germany. Also, because the treaty seemed favorable to the british, made its own terms on 1921.
  • League of Nations

    The purpose World Peace stated in its own covanant included preventing wars throught collective security and disarnament and setting international disputes through negotiationsarbitration.
    Isues - Later conditions, just treament of native inhabitants, human and drug trafficing arms trade global health, prisoners of war and protection of minorities in Europe. After some success and failures in the 1920s they ultimetely proved incapable of preventing aggression.
  • George Wallance - Governor of Alabama, segregation quote

    politician and the 45th governor of Alabama. A 1972 assassination attempt left Wallace paralyzed, and he used a wheelchair for the remainder of his life. He is remembered for his Southern populist and[4] segregationist attitudes during the desegregation period
  • Americanization Day

    The Americanization movement was a nationwide organized effort in the 1910s to bring millions of recent immigrants ino the american culture system. The Holiday was first observed in 1921, during the first red scare, it was originally called " Americanization Day", and it was intended to replace the may 1 (" May Day")
  • Emergency Quota Act

    The objective of this act was to temporarily limit the number of immigrants to the United States by imposing quotas based on a country of birth. It limited the number of immigrants allowed into the .S to 350,000 per year. It restricted immigration into the United States. The Act meant that only people of the Northern Europe who had similar cultures to that of American were likely to get in. The reason was the American gov. wanted to protect its culture when this act was introduced.
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    National Origins Formula

    Was an American System of immigration quotas, which restricted immigration on the basis of xisting proportions of the population. The goal was to maintain the existing ethic composition of the U.S. Modified the Emergenct Quota Act.
  • Social Security Act

    An act that responded to the falls of old age, poverty, unemployment, dependent windows, and fatherless children by providing benefits to retired and unemployed. The Great Depression, poverty exceeded 50% among senior citizens. The stock market crash destroyed the value of many americans retirement savings.
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    Great Depression

    By 1931, unemployment had reached 23.6% and it peaked in early 1933 to 25%, drought in the agricultural heartland, businesses amd families defaulted on record numbers of loans, and more than 5,000 banks had failed. FERA was established to help out those who were unemployed, its main goal was to create new unskilled jobs and state government.

    The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC). Established on February 17, 1930 in Corpus Christi, Texas. Founders Margaret Morán, President Brent A. Wilkes, National Executive Director.Despite its national visibility, LULAC has lost strength in recent years because of a declining and less-active membership base and decreasing operating funds.
  • Dust Bowl

    A period of dust stamps that damaged the agriculture in the U.S this caused the Great Depression. It forced many families to abonded
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    Fireside Chats

    This was a series of thirty radio adressess given by former president Roosevelt. This was the first media develoment that involved communication the president and the citizens of the nation.
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    Franklin D. Roosevelt

    He defeated Herbet Cark Hoover in the election. He campaigned against hoover's protectionist policies and believed Hoover was responsible for the Great Depression. Franklin said in his first inaugural address that " The only thing we need to fear is fear itself", which he meant that if we continue to be afraid of everything then we will not have the power to overcome obstacles. At the time, he went into office, a quarter of the workforce was unemployed and two million were homeless.
  • TVA

    Authority is a federarlly owned corporation in the United States created by congressional charter in may 1933.
  • 21st Amendment

    Replaced the 18th amendment of the U.S constitution having a prohibition on alcohol on january 17, 1920 , That didnt help much made everything worse. citizens ignored it
  • Gold Reserve Act and the gold standard

    An Act took away little to all gold certificates that were held by the federal reserve bank. The act of 1934 made the trade of gold a criminal offence for all citizens the u.s some of this gold was given to the us treasurey. It was not until 1975 that americsnd could again own or trade gold.
  • Eleanor Roosevelt

    She advocated womens right before the modern day womens rights movement began. She supported civil rights for minorities and especially african americans. Druing the Depression she traveled around the counrty gaining support for the new deal, and was an advocate of better working conditions abd wages for workers. Helped her husband political career by gaining votes from women and labor organizatios.
  • Francis townsend

    A doctor from longbeach , townsend proposed the " old age revolving pension ." This plan caused for every american over the age of 60 to retire to open up jobs for the younger unemployed. There was a catch, the recipients had to agree to spend the entire sum within a moth, townsend argued that his plan would ignite the economy.
  • Higgins Boats

    -Used to ferry soldiers from ships to the shore areas of different greographica locations.
  • Migrant Mother

    Unemployed and homeless people and together her and Paul Taylor documented rural poverty and the exploitation of share croppers and migrant laborers. Her best known picture is tritled " Migrant Mother" in which she approached a hungry and desperate mother. As a result the government rushed aid to the camp to prevent starvation.
  • Court Packing Plan

    The court packing plan referred to the judicial proceedures reform Bill. It was a plan to add more justicies to the supreme court from parts of the new deal that were ruled unconstitutional by the court, the public was against it.
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    Robert Taft

    He wanted to end the new deal because he felt it would end the Great Depression and eliminate all the programs that come from it. He belived that letting private enterprise and businesses restore the nations economy was better than letting relying upon government programs to end the Great Depression. He supported S.S
  • Allied Powers

    Were seeking to stop Germany, Italy, and Japanese agression. Allied powers: France, Poland, Great Britain, Canada, Australlia, New Zealand, South Africa, United States USSR
  • Improved Submarine Warfare

    Divided into 3 areas
    - Surface Warfare
    -Air Warfare
    -Underwater Surfare
    Started using sonar in submarines and started using depth charges.
  • North African Campaign

    The campaign was important because it offered the allies the chance to open a new front against on the Eastern front. It took place in the North African desert. It was fought mainly for two reasons, the first being control of the Suez Canal, and the second was Middle Eastern oil resources. The Allied war effort was dominated by British common wealth and exiles from German - occupied Europe. Resulting in fall of the Italian Empire ans Axis forces in North Africa to Italy.
  • Douglas MacArthur

    An American general and field Marshal of the Philippine Army. He play a permanent role in the Pacific Theather during the World War 2.
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    Civil Rights Movement

    Executive Order 8802 was signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was the first federal action, though not a law , to promote equal opportunity and prohibit employment descrimination in the United States.Assassaination of martin luther king on April 4, 1968.
  • Executive Order 9066

    Signed and issued during WW2 by president Franklin D Roosevelt, authorizing the secretary of war to prescribe certain areas as military zones. EO 9066 cleared the way for the deportation of Japanese Americans to interment camps. The Executive Order was spurred bby a combination of war hysteria and reactions to the Niihan incident, which madet the American military think that every japanese even those who were american citizens, might aid japan whoch influenced the decision to intern them.
  • Congress of racial Equality

    a U.S. civil rights organization that played a pivotal role for African-Americans in the Civil Rights Movement. CORE was founded in Chicago in March of 1942. Among the founding members were James L. Farmer, Jr., George Houser, James R. Robinson, Bernice Fisher, Homer Jack, and Joe Guinn. Fighting To stop racisms.
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    U.S. Office Of War Information

    It was a U.S. government agency created during world war 2, to consolidate existing government information services and deliver propaganda both at home and abroad. Through radio broadcasts, newspapers, posters, photographs, films and other media, the owl was the connection between the battlefront and civilian communities.
  • Isoroku Yamamoto

    A japanese Marshal admiral and the commander -in-chief of the combined fleet during the WW2 gra
  • Battle of Bulge

    The Battle of Bulge (Also known as the Ardennes Offensive) was a major surprise German offensive launched through the densely forested Ardennes mountain region on the Western Front. Though initially successful, the battle ended up being a decisive Allied victory, depleting an already weakened German army as both valuable reserves and equipment were lost.
  • Invasion of Normandy

    The batlle of Normandy Lasted from June to August of 1944. It was also known as the d-day and it resulted in the Allied liberation of the Western Europe from Nazi Germany's control. The Allies conducted a large operation in order to make the Germans think that the main invasion target was pas-de-Calais which is the Narrowest point between Britain and France instead of Normand. They also made the them think that other loactions were invasion tragets
  • Omar Bradley

    He was comander and chief of the American ground forcesPreparins to invade France in 1944 for D-day. He was chosen to command in the U.S first army. He fought in WW1 , WW2 and the Korean Wars
  • Korematsu v.s United States

    This was a case determing the constitutionally of putting japanese americans into "relocation" camps or internment camps during WW2 regardless of citizenship. The Supreme Court decided that internment camps were constitutional because of military urgency.
    The United States Won.
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

    He was the military governor of the U.S occupation Zone. In the 1945, he returned to Washington to replace Marshall as chief of staff of the Army. He opposed the use of the Atomic Bomb.
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    Arms Race

    A competition between two or more parties to have the best Weapons of war. Duck And Cover and is a method of a personal protection against the effects of a nuclear explosion.Germany's envy of Britain's superior navy in the run up to World War I resulted in a costly building competition of Dreadnought-class ships.
  • Mendez vs. Westminster (1946)

    was a 1946 federal court case that challenged racial segregation in Orange County, California schools. Senior District Judge Paul J. McCormick, sitting in Los Angeles, presided at the trial and ruled in favor of Mendez and his co-plaintiffs on February 18, 1946, finding segregated schools to be an unconstitutional denial of equal protection.
  • Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine was an international relations policy set forth by the U.S. President Harry Truman in a speech[1] on March 12, 1947, which stated that the U.S. would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent them from falling into the Soviet sphere. The domino theory existed from the 1950s to the 1980s. It was promoted at times by the United States government and speculated that if one state in a region came under the influence of communism,
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    Cold War

    *The Cold War was a sustained state of political and military tension between powers in the Western Bloc
  • 22nd Amendment

    "no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice President of the United States'. original constitutional qualifications of age, citizenship, and residency.
  • Marshall Plan

    *officially the european recovery program
    *it was on operation for four years beginning on april 1948
  • Delgado vs. Bastrop ISD (1948)

    In 1930 in Salvatierra v. Del Rio Independent School District, the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC).Until the late 1940s the public education system in Texas for Mexican Americans offered segregated campuses with often minimal facilities and a curriculum frequently limited to vocational training.
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    Berlin Airlift

    *located in germany
    *the major city to win the war
  • Desegregation of the U.S. military

    Desegregation is the process of ending the separation of two groups usually referring to races. This is most commonly used in reference to the United States. Desegregation was long a focus of the American Civil Rights Movement,
  • NATO

    the north atlantic treaty organization. intergovernmental military alliance. based on north atlantic treaty. natos headquerts in belgium . 12 original members, france, denmarck, canada, belguim, iceland ,luxembourg, norway, italy ,netherlands portugal, USA ,united kingdom.
  • Senate Hearings led by Joe McCarthy

    He produced a piece of paper that he claimed contain a list of known communists working for the state department.At that time of his speech , communism was a significant concern in the united states.
  • Sweatt vs. Painter (1950)

    Was a U.S. Supreme Court case that successfully challenged the "separate but equal" doctrine of racial segregation established by the 1896 case Plessy v. Ferguson. The trial court decision was affirmed by the Court of Civil Appeals and the Texas Supreme Court denied writ of error on further appeal. Sweatt and the NAACP next went to the federal courts, and the case ultimately reached the U.S. Supreme Court. W.J. Durham and Thurgood Marshall presented Sweatt's case.
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    Korean War

    republic of south korea vs democratic peoples of north korea backed by china and south korea supported by united nations. Results in DMZ North Korea and South Korea separated by demillitirized Zone. it can relate to domino containment and truman doctrine becouse North Korea communist backed by communist china and soviet union tried to make south korea communist and US and Allies interfered to stop spread of communism.communist are the north siders.
  • Polio Vaccine

    *polio Vaccine discovered a disease that helped childrens get better
  • Hernandez vs. Texas (1954)

    was a landmark United States Supreme Court case that decided that Mexican Americans and all other racial groups in the United States had equal protection under the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Argued on January 11, 1954 & Decided May 3, 1954.Chief Justice Earl Warren and the rest of the Supreme Court unanimously ruled in favor of Hernandez, and required he be retried with a jury composed without regard to ethnicity. The Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education (1954)

    Was an landmarck United Stes Supreme Court Case in which the court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students unconstitutional. Handed down on May 17, 1954 the decision, stated that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. Argued on December 9, 1952 & reargued on December 8, 1953.
  • Montogomery bus boycott - Rosa Parks

    Montogomery bus boycott - Rosa Parks
    The Montgomery Bus Boycott, a seminal event in the U.S. civil rights movement, was a political and social protest campaign against the policy of racial segregation on the public transit system of Montgomery, Alabama. Rosa Parks (February 4, 1913 – October 24, 2005) was a seamstress by profession; she was also the secretary for the Montgomery chapter of the NAACP.
  • Southern Christian Leadership - Martin Luther King, Jr .

    The Southern Christian Leadership Conference is an African-American civil rights organization. SCLC was closely associated with its first president, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The SCLC had a large role in the American Civil Rights Movement. On January 10, 1957, following the Montgomery Bus Boycott victory and consultations with Bayard Rustin, Ella Baker, and others, Dr. King invited about 60 black ministers and leaders to Ebenezer Church in Atlanta.
  • Civil Rights Act

    It expanded the authority of federal judges to protect voting rights.Voting For Black People.
  • Sputnik launch

    *The Sputnik Rocket was an unmanned orbital carrier rocket designed by Sergey Korolyov.Was the first rocket in space . the last flight was on May 15, 1958.
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    Space Race

    Was A mid-to-late 20th century competition between the soviet union.
  • Creation of NASA

    *It was launched on January 31,1958.As the reslut of the space race between the USA and the Soviet union in the 1950 , NASA was created in 1958 from NACA and other related organizations.
  • Congressional Southern Democrats - attemps to block legislation

    dont want rights from minors or women , laws unique congress and you dont have enogh votes you dont get the congress. so they are the ons blocking it .
  • Student Non-Violent Coordinating committee

    The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee was one of the organizations of the American Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s.Founded in 1960 and inspired by the Greensboro and Nashville sit-ins, independent student-led groups began direct-action protests against segregation in dozens of southern communities
  • 23rd Amendment

    The first Presidential election in which it was in effect was the presidential election of 1964. residents of Washington, D.C. were forbidden from voting for President or Vice President as the District is not a U.S. state
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    New Frontiers

  • Executive Order 10925

    Employees are treated during employment withouth regard to their race , color , creed or nationals origin.
  • Berlin Wall

    Was a barrier constructed by the German Democratic Republic (East Germeny) Started on August 13. the wall was bulit to revent the people from the east going to the west. The people from the east have no longer freedom
  • Friendship 7

    *was a human spaceflight mission conducted by NASA, the space agency of the United States. The MA-6 mission was launched February 20, 1962. It made three orbits of the Earth, piloted by astronaut John Glenn, who became the first American to orbit the Earth.
  • 24th Amendment

    Prohibits both Congress and the states from conditioning the right to vote in federal elections on payment of a poll tax or other types of tax.Poll taxes appeared in southern states after Reconstruction as a measure to prevent African Americans from voting
  • Pres. Kennedy's "moon" speech

    *Commonly known as "Jack" , he was the 35th president of the United States , serving from january 1961 until he was assassinated on on November 1963. On June 10, 1963, Kennedy delivered the commencement address at American University in Washington, D.C., "to discuss a topic on which too often ignorance abounds and the truth is too rarely perceived—yet it is the most important topic on eart. He also shared a speech on West Berlin.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    *Known as the October crisis or the Missile Scare. Withdrawal of Soviet Union's nuclear missiles from Cuba. Withdrawal of United States' nuclear missiles from Turkey and Italy. Agreement with the Soviet Union that the United States would never invade Cuba without direct provocation. Creation of a nuclear hotline between the United States and the Soviet Union.
  • "Letter From the Birmingham Jail"

    The Birmingham Campaign began on April 3, 1963, King declared that they had waited for these God-given rights long enough and quoted Chief Justice Earl Warren.He was full of the symbolism of Lincoln and Gandhi, and the cadences of the Bible
  • The March on Washington "I Have A Dream" Speech

    Widely hailed as a masterpiece of rhetoric, King's speech invokes the Declaration of Independence, the Emancipation Proclamation, and the United States Constitution. Early in his speech, King alludes to Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address by saying "Five score years ago
  • John F. Kennedy

  • Organization of Afro-American Unity - Malcom X

    Was an Pan-Africanist Organization founded by Malcom X in 1964.The purpose of the OAAU was to fight for the human rights of African Americans and promote cooperation among Africans and people of African descent in the Americas.Malcolm X did not have sufficient time to invest in the OAAU to help it flourish. After his death, Malcolm X's half-sister, Ella Little-Collins, took over the leadership of the OAAU, but dwindling membership and Malcolm X's absence eventually led to the collapse of the or
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    discrimination against racial, ethnic, national and religious minorities, and women.
  • Assassination of Malcolm X.

    Malcolm X is a 1992 American biographical drama film about the African-American activist Malcolm X. A public viewing was held at Harlem's Unity Funeral Home from February 23 through February 26.The funeral was held on February 27 at the Faith Temple of the Church of God in Christ in Harlem, which was filled to capacity with more than 1,000 people. William Bradley, Leon Davis,
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    The Act establishes extensive federal oversight over elections.Granted state complete discretion to determine voting qualifications for its residents.
  • United Farm Workers Association - Dolores Huerta, Caesar Chavez

    is a labor leader and civil rights activist who, along with César Chávez, co-founded the National Farmworkers Association, which later became the United Farm Workers....Dolores Clara Huerta born April 10, 1930. Huerta was daughter of Juan Fernandez a miner, a filed/farm worker.
    *Caesar Chavez A Mexican American, Chavez became the best known Latino American civil rights activist, and was strongly promoted by the American labor movement, which was eager to enroll Hispanic members.
  • National Organization for women - Betty Friedan

    A feminist organization founded in 1966. Betty Friedan and Pauli Murray wrote the organization's Statement of Purpose in 1966. The statement described the purpose of NOW as "To take action to bring women into full participation in the mainstream of American society now, exercising all privileges and responsibilities thereof in truly equal partnership with men. reproductive health services access, violence against women, constitutional equality, promoting diversity/ending racism, lesbian right
  • Black Panthers

    Founded in Oakland, California by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale on October 15, 1966.the organization initially set forth a doctrine calling primarily for the protection of black neighborhoods from police brutality.
  • Assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr.

    He was assassinated at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee on April 4, 1968, at the age of 39. James Earl Ray, a fugitive from the Missouri State Penitentiary, was arrested on June 8, 1968 in London at Heathrow Airport, extradited to the United States, and charged with the crime.Public figures generally praised King. Even the notorious segregationist Alabama Governor George Wallace described the assassination as a "senseless, regrettable act.
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    Drama, Debt, and the Digital Age

  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that landed the first humans on the moon. Armstrong became the first to step onto the lunar surface six hours later on July, 16.
  • La Raza Unida

    (National United Peoples Party or United Race Party (La Raza Unida). was an American political party centered on Chicano nationalism. During the 1970s the Party campaigned for better housing, work, and educational opportunities for Mexican-Americans.
  • Gold Standard (Nixon Shock)

    the monetary unit is assossiated with the valueof circulating gold coins or the monetary unit has the vaule of certain circulating gold coins.The main feature of the gold exchange standard is that the government guarantees a fixed exchange rate to the currency of another country.
  • Wisconsin vs. Yoder

    children could not be placed under compulsory education passed 8th grade, the case is often cited as a basis for parents' right to educate their children outside of traditional private or public schools. The ruling is cited as a basis for allowing people to be educated outside traditional private or public schools, such as with homeschooling. Made appicable to the states by the 14th Amendment
  • President Nixon's visit to China

    the rationale for opening up China was for the U.S. to gain more leverage over relations with the Soviet Union. Resolving the Vietnam War was a particularly important factor.Set Relationship with chinese commuinst
  • Watergate Scandal

    at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C., and the Nixon administration's attempted cover-up of its involvement.
  • White vs. Regester

    base on population you get more represenation on , menores vote will get washed out . and if they vote is gona be less than the adults. minorties dont really count.
  • War Powers Resolution

  • OPEC

    Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. The oild embrgo was declared because the united states and western europe supported the war in israel.The result was a rise in oil prices from 3$ per barrel to 12$. Citizens began purchasing smaller cars that were more fuel efficent.
  • Endangered Species Act.

    is one of the dozens of United States environmental laws passed in the 1970.it was designed to protect critically imperiled species from extinction as a consequence of economic growth and development untempered by adequate concern and conservation.
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    Gerald Ford

    He was the first person appointed to the Vice Presidency under the terms of the 25th Amendment, after Spiro Agnew resigned. When he became president upon Richard Nixon's resignation on August 9, 1974, he became the first and to date only person to have served as both Vice President and President of the United States without being elected by the Electoral college.
  • Apollo-Soyuz project

    The purpose and catalyst of the Apollo–Soyuz Test Project was the policy of détente between the United States and the Soviet Union
  • Microsoft by Bill Gates

    He dropped out of haward to worht
  • Torrijos-Carter Treaty

    Under this treaty the U.S retained the permanent right to defend the canal from any threat that might interfere with its continued neutral service to ships of all nations.The dollarization of Panama was the effect,
  • GPS Satellite System

    The fist satellite in the system, NAVSTAR 1 was launched February 22, 1978. A satellite used by the NAVSTAR Global Positioning System. A space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information. In all weather conditions, anywhere on or near the earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS Satellites.
  • Camp David Accords

    The purpose of the meeting was to make a larger peace in the Mideast between Israel and the Arabs including the Palestinians.People that were involved were Israli, and Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat.
  • BET By Robert Johnson

    the first cable television network aimed at African-Americans, and it became the first black-controlled company listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1991.
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    Iran Hostage Crisis

    A Diplomatic crisis between iran and United States. The hostage taking was unsucceful fo the islamic public in some respects.Iran lost internationals support fo its war against Iraq, and the settlement was considered almost wholly favorable to the United States since it did not meet any of irans original demands.
  • "Just Say No" Anti-Drug program

    Nancy Reagan Related efforts increased public awareness of drug use , but a direct relationship between reduced drug use and the just say no compaign cannot be established although the use and abuse of illegal recreational drugs significally declined during reagan presidency.High School Seniors using cannabis dropped from 50.1% in 1978 to 36% in 1987 to 12% in 1991 & the percentage of students using other drugs decreased similary
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    Ronald Reagon

    refers to the economic policies promoted by U.S. President Ronald Reagan during the 1980s and still widely practiced.
  • Hull House

    Cofounded by Jane Adams and Elen Gates, Opened the doors to recently arrived Europeans immigrants. "A community of University Women". Main purpose was to provide social and educational opportunities for working class people.
  • Edge vs Kirby

    Case concerning public school finance, the Mexican American legal defense and educationalfund filed suit against commissioner of education william kirby, citing descrimination against students in poor school districts. ordered the texas legislature to formulate a more equitable funding system , to transfer of money from property wealty school school districs to property-poor districs in order to equilize each school district spent on educating students.
  • Dayton Agreement

    the main purpose is to promote peace and stabillity in borsia and aerzegovina and to
  • 9-11

    a series of 4 attacks by terrorits group A1-Queda on the U.S. The leader responsible was mohammed atta. 2 planes hit the North and the South towers in New York City .1 Other plane hit the pentagon .The 4th crashed in Pennsylvania . An estimate of 3,000 people died. The president at the time was George W. Bush.
  • Invasion Of AFGHANISTAN

    Started after 9/11, Bush devanded to have Osama bin London , The US killed him may 11, cost $1.28trillion , per soldier = $1 Million.
  • Patriot Act.

    Was an act of congress that was signed into law by persident George W. Bush. on October 26, 2001. The purpose was to defer and punish terroist acts in the U.S and around the world to enhance law enforcment investigatory tools.
  • invaison of Iraq

    The CIA gave the president info that saddm hussein was developing weapons of mass destruction and supprting terrorism with money..pres. Bush sent 148,000 troops 3,000 died in 21 days of war. When they captured saddam they gave him a trial and hanged him.
  • Kyoto Treaty

    International treaty set to industrialized nations to reduce emission or greenhouse gasses U.S signed protocial but did not ratify becouse of byrd Hagel resolution , which dissaprooved of any international agreement that did not required developing countries to participate and would "seriasty have U.S economy" Clinton signed but it was never ratified.