Enviornmental timeline

By ajanda
  • Bernardo Razzimazi

    -Razzimazi wrote a book called Diseases Of Workers in Italian
    -The book is now avaliable in translated versions
  • World War II

    -Allies and axis including Holocaust and only use of the nuclear weapons in welfare
    -Resulted in 50-70 million tragedies
  • Thomas Malthus

    -Widely known for his theories about population
    -Wrote an essay called "The Principles of Population" that said sooner or later population is going to be checked by disease
  • Goerge Washington Carver

    -Born in slavery
    -Honorary doctorate from Spimpson college
  • Tragedy Of the Commons

    -Degradation of all of the enviornment
    -Famous artical written by Garrett Hardin that is "widely accepted as a fundimental controbution to ecology"
  • General Motors

    -Entrepeneurs to pioneer the industrial revolution
  • Rainbow Warrior

    -First bombing of the harbour at exactly 11:38 pm, second bombing shortly after
    -First rainbow warrior set sail in 1978
  • Chernobyl

    -Chernobyl nuclear power plant
    -Released large amounts of radio active contamination
  • Exxon Valdez

    -Spilled 10.9 million gallons of its 53 million gallon cargo of crude oil
    -The oil would eventually impact over 1,100 miles of the coastline of Alaska
  • Persian Golf War

    -Military forces in Kiwalt opened valves at the sea
    -Island oil terminal
    -Thick clouds of black smoke from fires were being released into the skies for months
  • Civilian Conservation Corps

    -Planted trees, built public parks, drained swamps, restored rivers with fish
    -Worked on flood control projects to help the enviornment
    -3 million worked for the CCC
  • "An Inconvenient Truth"

    -Documentory film directed by Davis Guggenheim
    -Educated people about global warming
  • BP Oil Spill

    -Oil spill in Gulf of Mexico
    -Went on for three months
  • China's Three Gorges Dam

    -The dam was made to increase the Yangtle river's shipping
    -Flooded and displaced 1.3 million people
    -Causing significant ecological changes