Images (5)


  • debute album

    debute album
    Eminems debute album Infinite
  • slim shady EP

    slim shady EP
    second album relased in 1996
  • Marshal Mathers LP

    Marshal Mathers LP
    Number one selling album of his carier
  • The Eminem show #1

    The Eminem show #1
    the Eminem show becomes number #1 album of 2002
  • Encore is realesd

    Encore is realesd
    encore comes out after its hit single just lose it
  • Rellaps Rifill

    Rellaps Rifill
    rellasp Refill is relised in 2008
  • Eminem Anounces no Rellaps 2

    Eminem Anounces no Rellaps 2
    Eminem tweets that there will be no new Rellaps
  • Not Afraid

    Not Afraid
    First single of new album tops top 100 bilbored

    REcovery is released as title of new album instead of Rellaps 2
  • Marshal Mathers LP 2

    Marshal Mathers LP 2
    the Marshal Mathers LP is released