Elizabeth Cady Stanton

By DRosy23
  • Period: to

    Elizabeth Stanton's Life

  • Elizabeth Stanton is Born

  • Elizabeth's brother dies

    When her brother dies, Elizabeth promises her father that she will become the man her brother was, where her father famously tells her, “Oh, my daughter, I wish you were a boy!” This then pushes Stanton to as great as any man.
  • Elizabeth marries Henry Stanton

    While at her wedding, Elizabeth asks the minister to remove the phrase “promise to obey” from their wedding vows.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    After connecting with other abolitionist women in Seneca Falls who saw parallels between slavery and the female position in society, Stanton helps to organize the first women’s rights conference, the Seneca Falls Convention.
  • Elizabeth meets Susan

    Elizabeth meets Susan
    Stanton meets Susan B. Anthony in Seneca Falls. It’s the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
  • Woman's State Temperance Society

    Stanton and Susan lead the Women’s State Temperance Society together.
  • American Equal Rights Association

    Elizabeth and Susan help establish the American Equal Rights Association, which was to get voting rights for african Americans and women.
  • The Revolution

    The Revolution
    The Revolution, a New York women's rights paper was started up by Elizabeth and Susan B. Anthony.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of the Women of the United States

    Stanton and Susan write the Declaration of Rights of the Women of the United States, where they then present that at a later meeting.
  • 15th Amendment

    Stanton decides that the 15th Amendment actually does give women the right to vote. So she goes demands to vote in an election. She is denied.
  • Solitude of Self

    Stanton delivers "Solitude of Self" speech as she steps down from President of NAWSA. Susan B. Anthony then assumes the role.
  • Elizabeth Stanton Dies

    Stanton dies, leaving behind a legacy of her crusade for female equality with writings that would inspire feminists to come.