A look at electrician schools text word cloud vector 15565722

Electrician - Facility and Mobile Equipment Maintenance

By ctt6689
  • 20 BCE

    When Did Electricians Become Popular?

    When Did Electricians Become Popular?
    When it came to the 20th Century, Electricians were known as "the staples of modern life."
  • 19 BCE

    Electrical Devices & Electricity - Becoming Mainstream

    Electrical Devices & Electricity - Becoming Mainstream
    At the end of the 19th Century, electrical devices, such as lightning systems , turned out to be a big deal.
  • 17 BCE

    Who Was The 1st Electrician?

    Who Was The 1st Electrician?
    In the early 17th Century, the first electrician was William Gilbert. Gilbert was also the first to draw a clear distinction between magnetism and static electricity.
  • Displays Becoming Common !

    Displays Becoming Common !
    Electronic device displays were common at world fair events and expositions.
  • When Was The First Phone Invented?

    When Was The First Phone Invented?
    The first telephone was invented in the year of 1876, created by Mr. Watson.
  • Street Lights?

    Street Lights?
    The first street lighting in Paris.
  • First Ponograph?

    First Ponograph?
    In this year, Thomas Edison invented the first phonograph
  • Any Power Stations?

    Any Power Stations?
    There were the first thermal power stations in NYC and London.
  • Waveguides?

    In this year, J J Thompson invented the first wave-guide.
  • When Were Gramophones Invented?

    When Were Gramophones Invented?
    In this year, a German American inventor invented a gramophone record.
  • Fuse Invented?

    Fuse Invented?
    In this year of 1890, fuse was invented.
  • During The Year of 1896, Telegram?

    During The Year of 1896, Telegram?
    This was when the first successful intercontinental telegram occurred.
  • Any Lamps? :)

    Any Lamps? :)
    American engineer Peter Cooper Hewitt invented the Fluorescent lamp.
  • Radio Inventions?

    Radio Inventions?
    Edwin Howard Armstrong developed the standard AM radio receiver that is used in today's society.
  • FET Becoming Well-Known?

    FET Becoming Well-Known?
    Austrian American engineer Julius Edgar Greenfield patented the first FET which eventually became popular.
  • U.S. Television Brodcasts?

    U.S. Television Brodcasts?
    First experimental Television broadcast in the US.
  • Energy Plants?

    Energy Plants?
    The very first wind energy plant in the Soviet Union.
  • Computers, Laptops Truly Invented?!

    Computers, Laptops Truly Invented?!
    The first actual transistorized computer was made in the United States.
  • Calculators + Education = Greatness?

    Calculators + Education = Greatness?
    Calculators of electricity were actually invented, which helps students in schools today instead of thinking it through our heads!
  • Success With Radio Brodcast?

    Success With Radio Brodcast?
    Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi succeeded in the first radio broadcast.