• Beginning of the Revolution

    Beginning of the Revolution
    On Jan. 25, 2011 protests begain in the streets of Egypt. They say it is to overthrow President Hosni Mubarak. The protests took place in Cario, Alexandra and many other cities. People broke out into strikes, riots, and civial disobedience. Their main focus was towards police brutality, lack of elections, and many other political issues.
  • Mubarak Steps Down

    Mubarak Steps Down
    After 18 days of protest the president decides to step down and hand the power over to the Supreme Council of Armed Forces. Because of that the Constitution was suspended and the Parliment disbanded
  • Military Crushes New Protests

    The protesters soon return to the square demanding that the military take faster action at becoming a democracy.
  • The First Round of Elections

    The first round of elections narrowed down the field of 13 canididates to two finalists. The two finalists are Mohammed Morsi, and Ahmed Shafik.