
Educational technology project

By jweiler
  • ESEA was enacted

    ESEA wikipageElementary and Secondary Education Act was formed to create requirements for schools looking to recieve federal funding.
  • FERPA was enacted

    Federal Policy WebpageThe Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act was established to protect the privacy of students' educational records, to establish the rights of students to inspect and review their educational records, and to provide students with an opportunity to have inaccurate or misleading information in their records fixed.
  • ISTE was founded

    ISTE webpageInternational Society for Technology in Education was founded in 1979 as an organization to support professional development and the use of technology in the educational world.
  • COPPA was enacted

    COPPA Wiki PageChildren's Online Privacy Protection Act was enacted to protect children especially when students are using the Internet.
  • CIPA Enacted

    CIPA advocacy articleThe Children’s Internet Protection Act requires recipients of federal technology funds to comply with certain Internet filtering and policy requirements, including chools and libraries receiving funds for Internet access.
  • NCLB enacted

    Federal webpageNo Child Left Behind, which requires states to develop assessments in basic skills in order to recieve funding from the federal level. This act was a reauthorization of the ESEA, with some twists like this provision which was added.
  • Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act Enacted

    this act adds an additional Internet Safety Policy requirement covering the education of minors about appropriate online behavior.
  • Muncie 1:1 iPad Initiative

    Muncie begins to integrate iPads into daily education of students in a variety of levels.
  • ConnectED Initiative Announced

    ConnectED Article President Obama announces the ConnectED Initiative and sets the four goals needed to make the transition
  • Indiana drops Common Core

    Indiana drops the Common Core by signing into law Senat Bill 91. This bill replaces the common core for the state of Indiana and creates a new set of standards for students in the state of Indiana.