Educational technology

By iroc
  • Youtube

    I use youtube to show the students videos of subject areas for a more in depth learning.
  • Class Dojo

    Class Dojo
    Class dojo is classroom management app. It helps with behavior and communicating with parents.
  • Chromebooks

    We use Chromebooks for everyday activities online.
  • Powerpoint

    I introduce power points to my students as easy ways to give them information that is not overwhelming.
  • Projector

    I use the projector to daily activites from my computer. Also to show helpful films.
  • Curriculum engine

    Curriculum engine
    This is a website for sharing lesson plans that we implement in the classroom
  • Feedly

    This is a way to get information feeds for important subjects in the classroom.
  • Kahoot

    This is a tool for student engagement that promotes learning while the kids have fun
  • edmodo

    Classroom tools for assignments and communication with parents and students.
  • Google Classroom

    Google Classroom
    I use google classroom for assignments and to communicate with students